Personalities - Special Reports: TriXie's Top 10 Xbox Hotties

Special Report:

TriXie's Top 10 Xbox Hotties

You've all seen the Babes of Xbox articles here on Well, now it's time to focus on the other side of the story: the boys of Xbox! I'm not talking about the 10 hottest guys who work at Xbox—I'm keeping them for myself. The following are my choices for hottest Xbox game characters. They're welcome in my Xbox anytime.

Ryu is one scalding hot ninja.

1. Ryu Hayabusa
Come on, the guy's a super-ninja! He's graceful (note to boys: clumsy and fumbling = bad), powerful, and can do a wall-run like nobody else. And, please, check those biceps! Yummy!

The Master of Hotness.

2. Master Chief
I like to call him Hottie MC—but he won't let me say it in front of his friends. He's strong, he's brave, and he's mechanically enhanced. Yeah, we don't know what he looks like under the armor, but who cares? A girl needs a little mystery.

Dear Sam: Burn, baby, burn! Love, TriXie.

3. Sam Fisher
Sammy's got some smooth moves: the half-split jump, the zip-line trick, and what red-blooded chick can resist the charms of a good grapple? Plus, the boy's got gadgets. 'Nuff said.

Mmmm, spicy Ding Chavez.

4. Ding Chavez
Okay, his name is stupid. But, he's got that chiseled Clooney jaw line, intense eyes, and that whole Antonio Banderas Latin lovah thang going on. And … he's saving the world! How can you not love that?

Larry is blistering, baby.

5. Larry Lovage
Okay, he's not Brad Pitt—or even William Pitt, bewigged eighteenth century former British Prime Minister—but the little guy's got a sense of humor and self-effacing charm. You can bet he'll call when he says he will.

Max Payne: Man on Fire.

6. Max Payne
He's an NYPD detective (think Serpico), a film-noir hero (think Bogey), and he's got that signature slow-motion gunplay. Yeah, he's got some emotional baggage (his wife and baby were murdered), but some women like a fixer-upper.

This squirrel is sweltering!

7. Conker
I admit this is an unconventional choice, but Conker's charm kind of sneaks up on you. He's one fuzzy little badass: lewd, rude, and crude. I just love a squirrel in uniform.

Good Hero is sizzle-licious!

8. Good Hero
He's handsome, clean-cut, and the kids look up to him. He wouldn't think twice about rescuing you from a mugger or even a dragon. Definitely a guy you could take home to Mom.

Evil Hero is red-hot!

9. Evil Hero
There just something about a bad boy… Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. He lies, cheats, stands you up, and forgets your birthday. But, he's so bad he's gooooood.

10. Who's number 10? You tell me! E-mail (subject line: My Xbox Hottie) and tell me which Xbox game character turns your crank, floats your boat, or blows up your skirt. I'll pick one random submitter to win a fabulous Xbox prize package!


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