Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
I decided that I dont care if I come across as the biggest fag-hag in the land.
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gay strategy for uganda

Last Updated: May 6, 2006

Page: 1

New Vision (Editorial)

 May 6, 2006: The report that a homosexual church plans to extend its services to Uganda depicts the intricate workings of the gay movement. With the majority of people opposed to homosexuality, how can it still thrive in the Western world?

Referendums in several states in the US have shown that the majority are opposed to gay marriage. However, it thrives because of the methods used by the advocates of this lifestyle.

We may look at the overt move to start a church but behind the scenes could be calls to sympathetic ambassadors of some powerful western governments and all manner of manipulation until our government looks the other way.

The law in Uganda is clear: homosexuality is a crime. What would drive anyone to start a criminal organisation?

Secondly, why start such an organisation in Uganda? Even by the most generous of surveys in the US, homosexual numbers have been put at figures below 5% of the total population.

This stands in the face of Alfred Kinsey's research instrument, later proved fraudulent, which posited figures of up to 37%. With few homosexuals in Uganda, their only aim should be recruitment. They want to alter perception and palliate the homophobia. They want to tell people, "take a closer look; you just might need to 'come out'".

This is part of the strategy of the gay movement: to raise doubts about people's sexuality and tempt them to experiment.
This comes behind a whole plethora of western thought: humanism, relativism, liberalism, tolerance, human rights, etc. The idea is to have no fixed law but to do what gives one most enjoyment.

The sexual revolution accelerated this process beyond measure and one wonders whether accepting soft pornography and kimansulo doesn't lead us in that direction.

Thirdly, the gay strategy is that as many people as possible adopt this lifestyle. There are many explanations for this but perhaps the comfort that 'we are many' is supreme. Scott Lively's book, The Gay Movement: How to Recruit Proof Your Child exposes the methods used to recruit young children in the US in the hope that the habit passes on to the next generation.

The techniques of repetition in marketing and mere exposure in psychology are continuously engaged until those opposed to homosexuality resign.

Scientists will cite 'research' to justify the 'they-are-born-that-way' theory. New euphemisms will be coined: a person is not a homosexual but gay; therefore a homosexual exposed is only an individual 'coming out' to accept who they are.

Therefore, those of us who are against homosexuality must be prepared to go the whole nine yards. A society that is hostile to homosexuality has far fewer homosexuals than one that is not.

Christians should wake up and lobby their Members of Parliament and other political representatives. Praying in the closet may not be enough.


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