Kasha J. from Freedom And Roam Uganda (FARUG)
When Ugandans hear that we are advocating for gay rights they imagine we want more or extra rights,but NO,we want what belongs to us which was robbed from us,EQUAL RIGHTS which we are entitled to just like any other Ugandans.
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fadzai muparutsa's canadian speaking circuit trip scuppered by airline regulations

Last Updated: May 25, 2005

Page: 1

By Esau Mathope

May 25, 2005: The organizers of Fadzai Muparutsa, GALZ gender programme manager's speaking jaunt in Canada have announced that she will no longer address audiences in Canada due to a an airline booking glitch in her itinerary.

Kim Vance, co-Director of ARC International, the organizers of Muparutsa's trip, said that it is with great regret that ARC has to announce the cancellation of all Canadian dates (Halifax, Toronto and Ottawa).

"The Canadian portion of Fadzai's trip was organized after her original flight tickets were booked to and from New York, where she was receiving a human rights award. She was originally told by her airline that it would be no problem to change her ticket home, but she would have to do it from the U.S. when she was there," sad Vance.

Vance added that last week, while in Muparutsa was in the US, the airline informed her that she could do it at the airport when she was leaving to come to Canada, at an additional charge of $500 fee. ARC agreed to cover that. However, on the 25 May, when Muparutsa tried to fly to Halifax, the airline changed their tune again, and she was told that she would have to essentially re-book her ticket home at full fare.

"Feeling very pressured and confused, she [Muparutsa] decided to return home on her original ticket," Vance said.

Vance apologized to the audiences and the speaking tour organizers for the inconvenience and said that they still hope to organize similar events in the future. She emphasized that when the opportunity arises, the public will be kept informed about possible future dates.




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