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Why Recovery
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:: Why Recovery ::

Recovery from what you may ask.  Probably you are thinking alcohol, drugs, gambling or pornography, and while that is all true, it is important to realize that since time began and God created man, there has been the necessity for recovery.

It is necessary to recover spiritually, emotionally and physically, not only from addictive behaviors, but also from the debilitating effects of sin itself.  As a subtle enemy of mankind, satan who is baffling, cunning and diverse in his attacks, will keep a person in denial until it’s too late. The 12 Step Recovery Program designed from the AA model, based on God’s Word and described on this site, teaches all people the mechanics of living the Christian life, surrendering all to God, and remaining in the light of His joy, to experience peace and contentment and serenity one day at a time.

Romans 3:23 states very clearly that “all” have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  This means we are in need of not only a Savior, but a daily guide and a plan to achieve true self actualization. Self actualization is defined here as the ability to recognize our hurts, habits and hang-ups, and to deal effectively in healthy ways with those issues, allowing God to work through those issues, trusting Him to bring about changes as necessary and to be all we can be just for Him.