Pastor's Message
Why Recovery
Friday Night
Tuesday Night
Support Groups
8 Recovery Principles
Where Do I Belong?
:: Just Do It ! ::
Yes, it's humbling to admit our weaknesses to others, but lack of humility is the very thing that is keeping you from getting better.  If you could handle it on your own, you would have done so.  But you can't.  Willpower and personal resolutions aren't enough.

We want others to think we have everything "under control."  The truth is, whatever you can't talk about is already out of control in your life; problems with your finances, marriage, kids, thoughts, sexuality, secret habits, spending,or anything else.

What are you pretending isn't a problem in your life?  What are you afraid to talk about?  The reason we hide our faults is pride. YOU ARE NOT ALONE Celebrate Recovery is here to help you.

If you are ready to take your first step toward freedom from your hurts, habits or hang-ups, come to Celebrate Recovery any Friday night at 7:00 pm at Shadow Mountain Church, in the Crew Room (Rm 13 & 14).  The people there will not judge you, but give you unconditional love.