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Frequently Asked Questions

Have you got a question about this site? Check this page for the answer! If you can not find the answer, then feel free to contact us. We will answer it to our best knowledge and add it to this page if applicable to other fans/users.

Main info
On this page you can find lots of answers to questions you may have. These FAQ have been compiled from lots of questions other fans/users have send in. This is the best place to read all about the usability of the site, its content, the designs, interaction, scripting or other functions.

««« | Browser compatibility
In the following cases we advice you to upgrade your browser;
  • Error message(s) at start of site or (every) page
  • No Flash and/or scripted menus available
  • To many JavaScript errors downgrade usability
Its best to have the latest browser installed or at least have Internet Explorer 6+ or Netscape 7+. This site has been tested in all latest versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera and some Mozilla clones and should work fine.

««« | Usability
To make your experience of this site easier, we advice you to;
  • Enable the use of browser 'cookies' (are needed for lots of interaction and the use of our styleswitcher)
  • Use the 'breadcrumb' interface as available on the top of this page (indicated by · Home » Page). In some cases the 'breadcrumb' interface switches to another section, because some pages are part of another 'order of things'. We hope this is not too difficult to use; if uncertain, use your browsers BACK- and FORWARD-buttons to browse through the site
  • Use the integrated jump-links (indicated by «««) to swith to previous selections
  • Use our Sitemap to check for possible upgrades to the site
If the use of the 'breadcrumb' or jump-links are not to your liking, please use your browsers BACK- and FORWARD-button to jump back and forth through the different sections. Since the site is non-framed, there should be no problem switching pages. In case you are wondering... the intergrated styleswitcher DOES reload the page, but DOES NOT effect switching to previous or next pages or selections (it was a hell programming it, so we're not gonna change it ;).

««« | Viewability
Although this site is build for any user... we advice your to;
  • View the site with your browser maximised
  • To at least maximise the available horizontal space
The site has been developed for all settings! This means the content is viewable from a resolution from at least 800-600px up to 1600-1200px. The interface and content contained in it should reshape itself to your available screen-width. If this is not the case, we advice you to upgrade your browser. In case you view the site in a lower width then 790 pixels, the site will enable a horizontal scrollbar... so your can still view all the content. Basicly: are your running your monitor settings in 800-600px mode, then view the site in a maximised window! Any bigger setting should work fine.

««« | Temporary Internet Files
Our site is build up out of a lot of externally loaded databases. These elements are sometimes NOT recognised as new content and thus it could be possible that you are viewing old information (like old news or out of date collectable information).

To make sure that you are always viewing the latest info, go to the browsers 'Temporary files' settings (available through the Internet Options menu) and enable the following setting: Every visit to the page.

Though any other setting could work (except the Never option), its best to leave it to the formentioned setting. This should not have any effect to the speed of your browser or safety of your computer. The browser only checks each page with its own Temporary Internet Files and if there are any changes to it, it will display the new page and overwrite the cache.

««« | Linking to pages
We've 'thinktanked' the structure of our site. Whenever a new page launches, we can say for 99% certainty that it will stay on that location for many decades to come. This kind of linking is also known as permalinkage (you've probably seen it here and there on other site). Links to pages will always be available... even if we -for any reason- decide to delete its content, we'll relink the page to any content that has to do with the same subject. This 'permalinking' makes it possible for you to link to any page you like.

Every page on your domain? Yup! You can link to any page you want... Just copy the presented url from your browser and link to it from wherever you want! The more the better, which even helps strengthen our searchengine indexing! With links to any of our pages, you'll be able to help us become the nr.1 place to come for all things Terminator.

But what about linking to specific content?! Thats a whole new story...

««« | Anti-hotlinking
With our new hosting, bigger ideas, grander subjects, images, videos and other media... we decided to add anti-hotlinking processes to certain sections of our site. Meaning as much as: all its content (media) can be viewed from within our own domain, but not from within other domains. For example... a directory called 'abc' -with anti-hotlinking 'set'- has several big images or videos in it. You can see them through our TerminatorFiles site. You then copy its URL and paste it into your own site to present it to your own visitors. This will no longer work; a seperate small image is loaded instead, which warns your visitors that you are hotlinking to external content. Our content.

We'll however be able to exclude some domains from this anti-hotlinking process. Domains like the new personal site of STAFFmember Maurice (, our forums and TFshop, a still to be decided extra site under our domain and some other fans who contributed signifcantly to our site... will be excluded from this process. You are free to inquire about this in due time, but be warned that you'll have to deliver something big in return for us to free up your specific domain. More on this whenever it comes around.

Why bother when you have a new hostingprovider that delivers such a big bandwidth?! Well... we've done calculations for some of the stuff we are planning to host; give or take a few hundred visitors a day, downloading videos (even streaming content) takes out a big chunk of bandwidth! And when specific content is also linked on other sites, these sites are basicly stealing your bandwidth. Trying to secure this from now on into the future, we introduced the anti-hotlinking process. Its still bandwidth we have to pay for... even more soo, whenever it outgrows our initial hostingplan.

The most asked fan questions

««« | "What's up with the non-commercial attitude? You are advertising!"
Advertising. Yes... it's become inevitable! Our site and services are hosted by lots of different parties. Though most of our content management systems, database and coding are provided for free, some of the services cost us money. Our site has risen from a few megabytes to a staggering 110 MB (and thats not counting the content of all the databases!). With a visitor ratio of 1500+ unique visitors a day and thousands of hits/loads... our bandwidth has risen to several GIGs a month! This is where the 'problems' start.

Bandwidth costs money... thus to account for some money-back-garanty, we've included several banners and Google Adsense ads to possible Terminator related sources. Basicly we are still trying to be non-commercial! The banners are here to promote the Terminator and most are related to the contents of the page they are on! Bare with us and take some of the banners for granted... or even better, click them, buy the cool (Terminator) products and in a way help us out ;)

««« | "I've got problems viewing this site in a non IE browser!"
We've had several emails about the compatibility of our website with other browsers. The site previously had a script that detected Netscape, Mozilla and Internet Explorer browser-versions and filtered those that did not support most of the 'advanced' features of the site ...including (but not limited to) CSS, JS, Applets and other scriptings.

Due to the fact that most users have upgraded to the latest available browsers (and after recieving another too many emails filled with criticism over the detection script), we decided it was time to leave it be.

This site has been tested on several general systems with several browsers... and should work fine. We advice those unfortunate few that can not view the site, to upgrade to at least Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 6+ and to enable the reading and writing of 'cookies' on their systems!

««« | "Why do we regularly find 'BY THE FANS... FOR THE FANS' headers?"
We at think that most of the content on the net is made available and collected by the ever growing number of fans. This Terminator-community is the 'driving point' behind the movies and all related items, which we call THE.SAGA!

The website is no different; It is YOU that sends in stuff. It is YOU that drives us to the point of insanity to break internet barriers. It is YOU that makes it all happen! By adding your stuff to the site... it's only logic to name the site like it IS! ;). We are just a small team compared to all the fans that roam the net. To make this the 'biggest and baddest Terminator site on the net' we think the community has some major input in our site: it is YOU that makes the content available! Thus BY THE FANS... FOR THE FANS!

««« | "What's up with the flipped F in the logo?"
When we started designing the logo we didn't want to use any graphic elements like photos, animations, renders or movie-stills. And since the font is so recognisable... we decided to design it in 'font-only'.

Even after 20+ versions we weren't happy with the way the F stood apart from the T. So we mirrored it... cut the T and there it was. A logo that made more sense and more importantly; stood out from all the others. We redesigned the font and added the domain-name with the same 'restrictions'. At first everybody thinks it looks strange, but all know what is says and we think we've got ourselves a logo that can be recognised.

««« | "Those models/renders featured in the headers arn't yours!"
No... they are not. Except for the legal usage of our main Endoskeleton head and upper body; In our search on the net for graphics that could be combined with the logo and the general design... we always came back to the render which is available through TurboSquid.

In general we don't like to add 'not approved' items to our site, so we contacted them and got into contact with the original 3D model designer. After some personal emails the designer approved the usage of the image ...and even provided us with a high-res render, which was even 'more cool' then the original! The mutual agreement was that we could only use the image on items that have to do with the domain; in our design, content, promotions and some other graphic items.

The copyright to the model and it's images remains to the author: M. Miller. Please respect them as we do; Do not rip them from the site or any other available graphics.

As for other images used in the styles of this website; read all about it on this page!

««« | "Lots of content looks familiair. Isn't this originally Brainz' site?"
Yes it is!. V.R. van der Put (previously nicknamed Brainz) is the owner of this site. The old site was situated under his first domain, which is now offline. He came to the conclusion that he spent more time adding stuff to the his TerminatorFiles section, then all the rest of the original content made available on other pages.

Since most of the visitors only viewed the TerminatorFiles, the only logical (and cool) conclusion was to get himself a domain. All his fan-crazed time is now made available to add stuff to this domain; "New and improved and hopefully a domain that will rock your bookmarks!", as he would say (...and so I do :).

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- Only Terminator related ads
- Earnings for site/crew only

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Find those Terminator books, dvds, gaming, progams, music, toys and vhs related products!
We can't stand the many emails we get with people saying this site is just a cash-in attempt!

Any earnings through info, banners and ads are put right back into the (re)development of both our site and server.

We can't stress enough that this site has cost us more time and money since its conception back in June 2003, then we have ever recieved with prizes and/or other earnings.

Its an cash-out... out of our own pockets! So stop bugging us...

Last modified: Oct 11 2006