In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful

Islamic Society of North America

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Resources from 2006

Abstract Guidelines and Form

Read these guidelines carefully before writing your abstract for a short presentation.

  1. Content:
    • Abstracts must be written in English.  Each abstract must be in structured format with each of five headings:
      • Objective: An introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the presentation.
      • Design: A briefly worded description of the presentation, with a listing of key words to describe the subject area – example: education, family, youth,,intrafaith, interfaith, dawah, economics, etc., etc.
      • Material and Methods: A description of methods and materials used.
      • Results: A summary of the presentation and its relevance to Muslim Americans.
      • Conclusions: A statement of the study’s conclusion
  2. Format: 

    The abstract must be typed, single-spaced, with the heading (title of paper) flush with the left margin of the abstract box.  After the title, the presenting author’s name should appear first, followed by additional authors’ names listed consecutively, with two initials first (if applicable) and surnames last.  Institutional affiliations (including the city, state, or province abbreviation and country) should follow the list of authors.  If multiple institutions are credited, each institution must be identified with its respective author by a superscript preceding both the author’s name and institution name.  If additional space is needed for identifying authors, attach a separate sheet.  Separate inclusion of graphs and charts outside the designated form is unacceptable.  NOTE:  Type size should be no smaller than the type in the abstract box.  (Times font, 10 point; or 15 characters per inch.)

  3. Failure to Present Policy:Attendees whose abstracts are accepted for oral presentations, and who fail to present without notifying the Chairman of the Program Committee in advance, or fail to have it presented by a co-author, will not be considered for future presentations at the Islamic Society of North America’s meetings for the following two years.
  4. Identification: The presenting author MUST include name, address, and telephone and FAX numbers, and MUST sign the ABSTRACT FORM in the space provided.
  5. Registration of abstract presenter is mandatory.
  6. Deadlines
    For abstract:            April 9, 2007 

Click below to download Abstract Form
AbsttForm_2007.doc (29 K)

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