the rift conspiracy

Matilde Tracker for Buzz
Summary: Tracker machine for Jeskola Buzz.
Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Files: In files section.

Jeskola Buzz is currently the best and most powerful tracker available for the PC. This is largely because it uses a plugin based system, where anyone can extend its functionality by writing new synths and effects. Many people do, myself included. There's now a ridiculous amount of machines available for it, so you get a very original sound, the quality often rivals that of good hardware based synths!

Matilde Tracker is a tracker machine, with deep roots in the old Protracker tradition. Most effects are used the same way, so it's very easy to get into if you've ever used Protracker or FastTracker.

Sonic Verb is currently the best sounding reverb effect for Buzz. Nothing else to say really, try it out for yourself!

These days, Joachim has been hacking away on the Matilde Tracker, he's put up a SourceForge project if you want to contribute. The files for download from may well be out of date!