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Tip of the Week

How to prevent dry, flaky skin in the winter.

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Every year as winter rolls around your skin turns from sun-kissed and supple to dry and scaly. But it may not be the cold winter air outside as much as the warm, dry air inside that's irritating your skin, according to dermatologist Dr. Stephen Webster, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School. "When the relative humidity inside drops, your skin begins to lose moisture, causing that dry, itchy, flaky skin that irritates so many during the winter months," says  Webster. To protect your skin, the Mayo Clinic suggests you take showers with lukewarm water, rather than hot water, which can remove natural oils from your skin. Also, use a milder, fragrance-free soap with moisturizing ingredients. And instead of letting your skin dry completely before applying any lotion, apply lotion within three minutes of stepping out of the shower. For more ways to protect your skin, go to
—Alexandra Gekas

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