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Forced Meme

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A forced meme is an attempt at making one's attempt at humor a part of interweb history, or a meme. Differs from actual memes from being:


  • B: Not having a funny story/copypasta attached to it.

Ever since the explosion of fame the O RLY owl meme had on the internets, now everyone wants to take a shot at making the next internet meme. A meme is forced (usually on /b/ on forced meme mondays, every monday) by having one person or a group of people try to spread the meme all over the interweb, or pretending that they like the meme so other people may catch on, like a fad. An example of a forced meme is "MAARRGEE, YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART!" A faked, forced meme by members of Something Awful. It is very rare that a forced meme becomes an actual meme (See:Desu).

What is it that makes people force memes? Why? (Level?)

[edit] Known/Suspected Forced Memes:

Milhouse is a Meme Milhouse is not a meme Meme Millhouse is meme not a OH SHI-
Milhouse is a Meme Milhouse is not a meme Meme Millhouse is meme not a OH SHI-
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