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A homosexual demonstrates how to choose dancing over women.
A homosexual demonstrates how to choose dancing over women.
How true, how true.
How true, how true.

Disco is the second worst form of music ever created (lined up behind emo). Disco sucks a lot, thus, many people, most of them elderly homosexuals, invariably like it. Abba is often credited with pioneering it.

[edit] A People's History of Disco

Disco was created at least 100 years ago by a 16 year old girl fed up with the shit bands she was forced to listen to in the wake of Beatlemania. Little did she realize the Pandora's Box that she opened.

The music is known for its distinct beat - an off-beat high hat in 6.5/4 time. The beauty of disco is that every song has this same identical beat, thus, when you've heard one disco song, you've heard them all, which means that disco became old meme approximately three songs into the first disco album. 127% of disco songs involve two topics: love or dancing. Occasionally, both themes are combined, but no one really cares.

Disco dancing is also amongst the most annoying style of dancing. It involves minimal foot movement and even less rhythm, meaning, like playing video games, anyone can disco dance.

In modern times, it is old meme to add disco beats to rock music. This, of course, is a horrible idea, which is why it's so popular with teenagers and hipsters

[edit] Drama Inferno

Disco was creating drama before the internets were even a twinkle in Al Gore's eye.

  • Disco sucks. They realized that in the 1970s, they realize it now, which is why disco only lasted a couple years.
  • At a baseball game once, they had disco night, where they burned disco records. A riot broke out, resulting in many lulz.
  • Today, it's just enough to lol at a disco fan. There are only 19 of them left in existence, so it's not easy to find.
  • Disco sucks so hard, this very entry was involved in a dramatic wiki edit war. People who aren't old enough to remember disco are still fighting over it, which speaks volumes about the magnitude of suckage.
  • There was a tiny offshoot of disco called italo disco. It was just like disco, except Europeans (but not Italians) made it instead of Americans. It sucked just as much as normal disco and caused anal prolapse.
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