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An example
An example
another tard's attempt at humour
another tard's attempt at humour
Last Thursday, Nyoro~n was told "Tits or GTFO." She chose the former.
Last Thursday, Nyoro~n was told "Tits or GTFO." She chose the former.

Nyoro~n, sometimes known as Hurricane Nyoron, is a lame image macro at 4chan. It's basically a picture of an ugly green-haired anime 16-year-old girl, with text next to it, which invariably ends with "nyoro~n".

The text is usually randomly recycled from a previous post. Single nyoro~n images are often used multiple times in different threads. Such nyoro~n images are generated by an application called /b/-post.

/b/ is currently being flooded with it, causing leakage into other imageboards and pissing off hordes of pretentious fucks with hueg e-p0n0ses.

Recently, it has been revealed that a version of the Nyoro~n program was modified so that a trojan virus was included which would write 0s to the hard disk as the program ran. This pwned lots of really irritating copypastaing Gaiafags.

[edit] Origins

Nyoro~n is a catchphrase from Haruhi Suzimiya, and came into prominence when a group of pedophiles lurking in the darkness of Something Awful's Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse decided to do some evangelism and bough over 9000 banners in an attempt to convince the goons that pedophilia is totally cool. Everyone got sick of it, some fucktards with too much money on their hands bought banner ads about how much banner ads suck, and the meme was soon forgotten. Then, as often happens, some troglodyte or Moot dug it out of the trash, wiped it off, glued on some googly eyes and pink pipe-cleaner antennae, and paraded it around 4chan in an attempt to become the next Raptor Jesus.

is part of a series on

4chan battlecardsA cat is fine tooAcky-chan-crayAfroduckAn heroAnonymousAnonynurseApples BearAyanami ReiBaby fuckBalloonpoppopBel-AirBitches don't knowBix noodBlockatielBridgetBroccoli DogBumpCandlejackCaturdayCeiling catChin-chanCockmonglerCOMBO BREAKERCombofagCooldudeCopypastaCracky-chanDemotivatorsDental PlanDesuDiabeetusDittoDivide by zeroDO NOT WANTDougDrama Prairie DogDrawhoreDSFARGEGDuckrollDynamic EntryEpic Fail GuyFgsfdsFUCK YEAH SEAKINGFurseisekiGaijin 4KomaGang of FourGarfieldGastonGeorge ZimmerGETGoofy TimeGrey AreaHappy NegroHouseHow do I shot web?I cameI has a shuvelI'd hit itIm in ur base, killin ur d00dzIMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZERIs this BattletoadsIT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BITTY BOATJam It InKatyLaw 4 KidsLINK MAH BOIIIIILoli-chanLOL WUTLongcatMachine CodeMarblemanMario drawingsMilhouseMilk BagsMoarNintendo-chanMordorMudkipsNyoro~nO noes her nanomachines!11!!Oh exploitableParty HardPedobearPoeticironyPool's closedPower wristPut shoe on headRAPE APERaptor JesusRickrollRule 34Rules of the internetSauceShitting dick nipplesSlowpokeSpeedycatSpengbobStick it in her pooperSUP DAWGTacgnolThat Fucking CatThe cancer that is killing /b/The FuryThe Great Re/b/ootThe Sandwich ChefThis looks shoppedTONIGHT WE DINE IN HELLUSB CableVerbose ThreadVTEC Just Kicked In YoWrong Location NiggerWRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYOU ARE DOING IT WRONGZippocatZoomj

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