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Power wrist

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We're going back to potatos.
We're going back to potatos.
I sold his power wrist so I could buy a golem ring.
I sold his power wrist so I could buy a golem ring.
We're going back to potatoes.
We're going back to potatoes.

The Power Wrist, an armor accessory in Secret of Mana for the SNES, was possibly the first meme born out of the womb of /b/ after the tragic events of August 25, 2006. Naturally, there was a great hooplah that erupted from the internet's newly-installed twin assholes like explosive diarrhea as to where exactly the meme originated. Some pix of asians with big boobs were posted, and the internets settled down shortly thereafter. It has been suggested recently that you are a faggot.

[edit] The Nativity Controversy

Appearing at the time it did, many 4chaners violently resisted power wrist, making such vitriolic statements as "gb/2 7chan w/ur shitty meme" to posters of related macros. However, a later thread displayed screenshots which included the timestamps of the original posts, thereby debunking the theory that 7chan had created the meme, causing some to post "gb/2 4chan w/ur shitty meme."

[edit] What You Need To Know

+5 STR

[edit] The Meme of the Opera (good pun, stfu)

The original post, accompanied by the image above, was as follows:

So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES. We just got to The Empire (more than halfway through the game), and he's still wearing his fucking power wrist. It has 4 defense, as opposed to the ~20 defense from the armor available to us right now (this makes a lot of difference in the world of mana), but he keeps it anyways because it has +5 STR which he is convinced is more important than any amount of defense (it's not).
So while we were in the shop at The Empire, he gave up control of his character for a moment to go AFK, so I popped into his inventory and unequipped his power wrist so I could sell it and buy a Golem Ring instead. He noticed soon after he returned that his power wrist was missing, and became irate.
So now we're on our way to "potatos" (he means Potos Village) to buy back his power wrist. What he doesn't know is that he can buy it at the shop we just left in The Empire.

Power wrist
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