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The Sandwich Chef

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Plz to be adding some kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.

4chanarchive has epic archived /b/ threads related to this topic for great justice.

The Sandwich Chef knows all and sees all, he is made of omnipotence and win. He is a judge and arbiter of all things who may be called down by a /b/tard in order to determine what two ingredients a post or image is made from. He is also known as The Sandwich Guy.


[edit] History

The Sandwich Chef started his life unremarkably as a random fat heathen in the pleasantly named Jack Chick tract “Hi There!”[1] Apparently he had some drama with his wife, but then again who wouldn’t if they were destined to be a pathetic example of Christian fanboyism? Anyway, he didn’t like Jews so he couldn’t be that bad of a person.

Charlie Conners expounds on his thorough research in biological evolution.

His image was posted to /b/. Within seconds he was subjected to awful shop torture, as is the norm in that seething trough of misanthropic weeaboo trolls.

Ye olde asse and pooe.

Subsequent shoppery involved only the one panel where the Chef decries the failure of various things, or very occasionally lauds them. He instantly became old meme, and rarely if ever are new versions posted. Instead the same crap is endlessly recycled as with most /b/ content.

[edit] Applications

To decry the awfulness of something reach into the gallery below for an appropriate Sandwich Chef comment and post it in your favorite thread. If you are inclined toward original content you may try your hand at shopping the blank one included here for your convenience.

To date nobody has attempted the Fifty Sandwich Post. Be the first on your block to try it!

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External Links

The Sandwich Chef
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