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Dental holocaust.
Dental holocaust.
'Sup 4chan.
'Sup 4chan.
Frustrated Cracky-Chan fanboy posting on 4chan.
Frustrated Cracky-Chan fanboy posting on 4chan.
Many imitators, only one cracky
Many imitators, only one cracky
Her response to 4chan.
Her response to 4chan.

Cracky-chan is the name given to a disgusting, greasy, flat-chested, asexual, attention-whoring individual with a red nose and cat ears whose pictures were posted on the 4chan site. The gender of Cracky-chan is unknown and a frequent subject of discussion, but leading experts agree that it's probably a little boy who has been experimenting with his mom's makeup and clothes.

Cracky-chan is universally hated by pretty much every heterosexual on the planet, but has a small following of loyal fanboys on 4chan, which isn't really surprising considering that 4chan's users are best known for masturbating to pictures of little children, anime characters, Nazis, furries or anime furry Nazi little children.

It is unknown whether the pictures of Cracky-chan were posted by a troll or whether it was Cracky-chan himself and he got scared by the amount and content of the responses received. Nothing else is known about him, but some speculated based on the pictures that he is from the UK, while another group found a somewhat similarly ugly-looking Finnish girl on nexopia and subsequently followed her to LJ where she enjoyed the floods and general attention of lonely 4chan nerds until she was finally fed up and decided to make all of her LJ entries private.

Some of the remaining Cracky-chan fanboys have dedicated their empty lives to forcing innocent people on various internet forums such as Trolltalk into having discussions about Cracky-chan with them. Interweb travellers are advised to be careful when encountering one of them as they may harbor exotic diseases which can be transmitted over standard TCP/IP.


[edit] Cracky nudes

Although Cracky-chan looked very cute in her first photos, she later took pictures of herself topless. Upon seeing the photos, people realized she looked disappointing and had small breasts.

In one of her livejournal threads she says all the blood in her nudes is not fake, but her own menstrual blood. This didn't disgust as many people as one might think. One luser even said 'rock on with your female self'.

[edit] Imitators

[edit] Also Don't See

[edit] External links

[edit] Gallery

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