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Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the Mututa Memorial Center

Mututa Memorial Center
Lusaka, Zambia

June 28, 2007
1:17 P.M. (Local)

MRS. BUSH: Thank you very much, Bruce. Thank you for your very kind introduction, for showing us all the great things that you've shown us today.

I want to recognize Mrs. Maureen Mwanamasa. Thank you very much. Thank you for your hospitality to your beautiful country. Also, Angela Cifire, the Deputy Minister of Sports, thank you very much for joining us today. Elisabeth Mataka, who is the Special Envoy from the United Nations Secretary General for HIV/AIDS in Africa. Also, you might be interested to you know, she's the vice chair of the Global Fund board of directors.

Jill Rademacher -- is Jill here? Did Jill come? I don't see her here. So we won't recognize her. (Laughter.) Martha Chilufya, thank you very, very much. Thank you for your hospitality while we're here, and thank you for your good work, your good and compassionate work.

Ambassador Mark Dybul, who is the U.S. Global AIDS coordinator, is with us. Let's see, where is he? There he is, right here on the front row. And Admiral Tim Ziemer, U.S. malaria coordinator, thank you very much, both of you, for joining me here in Zambia.

Patients, caregivers and distinguished guests, thank you very much for the warm welcome to Zambia. Zambia is a strong partner with the United States. Together, our countries are working to advance goals shared by people everywhere: improved opportunities for families, economic empowerment, and most of all, good health.

Our countries have formed partnerships to address malaria, which is a treatable and preventable disease that claims more than a million lives every year. Zambia has an ambitious national malaria control program, and through effective new medicines, and the increased use of mosquito sprays and bed nets, Zambia is making great strides against this epidemic.

These efforts are supported by the U.S. government through the President's Malaria Initiative. This five-year program has one goal: eliminating malaria in Africa. Working with Zambia's national malaria-control program, the President's Malaria Initiative will help conduct indoor residual spraying, provide life-saving bed nets and medicines, and treat pregnant women who are especially vulnerable to this disease.

Here at Mututa, patients benefit from insecticide-treated bed nets supplied through the Zambia Partnership. It's an unprecedented partnership between governments, businesses, and religious groups to reduce the suffering caused by malaria. The U.S. government supports this initiative through the President's Malaria Initiative and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Thirteen members of the Global Business Council have contributed over a million and a half dollars to the project. They're joined by World Vision's RAPIDS Consortium, which unites several faith institutions, including Catholic Relief Services, the Salvation Army, Expanded Church Response, CARE, and Africare.

Through the Zambian Partnership, 500,000 mosquito nets will be distributed to the country's most vulnerable households before the next malaria season in November. They'll reach about a million young children, pregnant mothers, and people infected with HIV/AIDS.

Through partnerships between Zambia and the United States, we're addressing one of the greatest humanitarian crises of all times: the challenge of HIV/AIDS. Through the President's Emergency Plan, our country has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to combat HIV/AIDS in Zambia. In partnership with the Zambia National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework, these resources support programs that prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, and they've supplied nearly 100,000 people with antiretroviral treatment.

Full Transcript

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