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Our Mission

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation seeks to improve the health and health care of all Americans. To achieve the most impact with our funds, we prioritize our grants into four goal areas:

To assure that all Americans have access to quality health care at reasonable cost.

Nearly 45 million Americans, over 8 million of them children, go without health insurance. This is the single greatest barrier to obtaining timely, appropriate health care services.

To improve the quality of care and support for people with chronic health conditions.

One hundred million Americans suffer from chronic health conditions, and that number is almost certain to increase as the population ages.

To promote healthy communities and lifestyles.

Our health behaviors, level of social interaction, and other factors outside medical care are important influences on overall health.

To reduce the personal, social and economic harm caused by substance abuse—tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs.

Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs inflict an enormous toll on Americans, especially among our youth.

To accomplish these goals, we use a variety of strategies. We support training, education, research (excluding biomedical research), and projects that demonstrate the effective delivery of health care services. Rather than paying for individual care, we concentrate on health care systems and the conditions that promote better health.

Grantees are as varied as the challenges they tackle. They include: hospitals; medical, nursing, and public schools; hospices; professional associations; research organizations; state and local government agencies; and community groups. (Read more about our program areas.)

The rich history of the Foundation began with our founder, Robert Wood Johnson.

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