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Program Area Overview

For projects to be eligible for funding they must address one of the following program areas.

 Program Area Objective

Building Human Capital

Fostering a diverse group of promising scholars and professionals through leadership development, training and research to ensure that our nation has a sufficient, well-trained workforce to meet our needs.

Childhood Obesity

Reversing the childhood obesity epidemic by 2015 by improving access to affordable healthy foods and increasing opportunities for physical activity in schools and communities across the nation.

Health Insurance Coverage

Ensuring that everyone in America has stable, affordable health care coverage through the development of policies and programs to expand health coverage and maximize enrollment in existing coverage programs.


Supporting innovative projects that may significantly accelerate critical breakthroughs in health and health care.

Public Health

Strengthening the practice of public health and the implementation of policies to ensure the system can fulfill its vital role in protecting the safety and health of Americans.


Helping communities set and achieve ambitious goals to improve the quality of health care in ways that matter to all patients and their families, and in particular patients from specific racial and ethnic backgrounds who often experience lower-quality care.

Vulnerable Populations

Supporting promising new ideas that will help overcome longstanding health challenges for the people in society who bear an excess of the burden of disease.

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