/***************************************************** * ypSlideOutMenu * 3/04/2001 * * a nice little script to create exclusive, slide-out * menus for ns4, ns6, mozilla, opera, ie4, ie5 on * mac and win32. I've got no linux or unix to test on but * it should(?) work... * * Revised: * - 08/29/2002 : added .hideAll() * * --youngpup-- *****************************************************/ ypSlideOutMenu.Registry = [] ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen = 250 ypSlideOutMenu.hideDelay = 0 ypSlideOutMenu.minCPUResolution = 10 ypSlideOutMenu.delay = 400 // delay in milliseconds before menu appears // ===== 8/19 WK - NS4 onmouseout bug =====// // after triggering an onmouseover event on a menu link // a onmouseout event an another link that isn't succeeded by // another mouseover event will trigger the hideMenu() function // solved by tracking mouse coords and checking if mouse is still // within the bounds of the menu // ===== track mouse coords =====// if (document.layers) { var x, y // 8/19 WK document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) // 8/19 WK document.onmousemove = getPosition // 8/19 WK } // constructor function ypSlideOutMenu(id, dir, offsetLeft, offsetTop, width, height, img) { this.ie = document.all ? 1 : 0 this.ns4 = document.layers ? 1 : 0 this.dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0 if (this.ie || this.ns4 || this.dom) { this.id = id this.dir = dir this.img = img this.width = width // 8/19 WK this.left = 0 // 11/3 WK this.top = 0 // 11/3 WK this.height = height // 8/19 WK this.offsetLeft = offsetLeft // 8/19 WK this.offsetTop = offsetTop // 8/19 WK this.orientation = dir == "left" || dir == "right" ? "h" : "v" this.dirType = dir == "right" || dir == "down" ? "-" : "+" this.dim = this.orientation == "h" ? width : height this.hideTimer = false this.aniTimer = false this.delayTime = false; // 4/49 WK array of timers for menu display delay this.open = false this.over = false this.startTime = 0 this.gRef = "ypSlideOutMenu_"+id eval(this.gRef+"=this") ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id] = this var d = document var strCSS = '' d.write(strCSS) this.load() } } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.load = function() { var d = document var lyrId1 = this.id + "Container" var lyrId2 = this.id + "Content" var obj1 = this.dom ? d.getElementById(lyrId1) : this.ie ? d.all[lyrId1] : d.layers[lyrId1] if (obj1) var obj2 = this.ns4 ? obj1.layers[lyrId2] : this.ie ? d.all[lyrId2] : d.getElementById(lyrId2) var temp if (!obj1 || !obj2) window.setTimeout(this.gRef + ".load()", 100) else { this.container = obj1 this.menu = obj2 this.style = this.ns4 ? this.menu : this.menu.style this.homePos = eval("0" + this.dirType + this.dim) this.outPos = 0 this.accelConst = (this.outPos - this.homePos) / ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen / ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen // WK set event handlers. if (this.ns4) this.menu.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT); this.menu.onmouseover = new Function("ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu('" + this.id + "')") this.menu.onmouseout = new Function("ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu('" + this.id + "')") if (this.img == selected) rollover(this.img, true) this.setMenuPosition(document.images[this.img].parentNode); // 4/19 WK set menu position //set initial state this.endSlide() } } ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu = function(id, link) { var reg = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id] var delay = ypSlideOutMenu.delay if (link) obj.setMenuPosition(link) // 11/3 WK obj.onactivate(); // 4/19 WK rollover state for menu graphic if (obj.container) { obj.over = true for (menu in reg) if (id != menu) ypSlideOutMenu.hide(menu) if (obj.hideTimer) { reg[id].hideTimer = window.clearTimeout(reg[id].hideTimer) } if (!obj.open && !obj.aniTimer) reg[id].delayTimer = window.setTimeout("ypSlideOutMenu.Registry['" + id + "'].startSlide(true)", delay); // 4/19 WK add delay before menu is revealed } } ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu = function(id) { var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id] obj.ondeactivate(); if (obj.container) { if (obj.delayTimer) window.clearTimeout(obj.delayTimer); // 4/19 WK clear delay timer for menus if (obj.ns4) if (!obj.inMenu(id)) return false // 8/19 WK if (obj.hideTimer) window.clearTimeout(obj.hideTimer) obj.hideTimer = window.setTimeout("ypSlideOutMenu.hide('" + id + "')", ypSlideOutMenu.hideDelay); } } // ===== 8/19 WK - check if mouse is still in menu ===== // ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.inMenu = function(id) { var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id]; if (x < obj.left || x > (obj.left + obj.width) || y < obj.top || y > (obj.top + obj.height)) return true; else return false; } // ===== 8/19 WK - put mouse coords in global var ===== // function getPosition(e) { x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY; //status = x + ', ' + y; } ypSlideOutMenu.hideAll = function() { var reg = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry for (menu in reg) { ypSlideOutMenu.hide(menu); if (menu.hideTimer) window.clearTimeout(menu.hideTimer); } } ypSlideOutMenu.hide = function(id) { var obj = ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[id] obj.over = false if (obj.hideTimer) window.clearTimeout(obj.hideTimer) obj.hideTimer = 0 if (obj.open && !obj.aniTimer) obj.startSlide(false) } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.startSlide = function(open) { //this[open ? "onactivate" : "ondeactivate"]() this.open = open if (open) this.setVisibility(true) if (this.ie || this.dom) this.setSelectList() // WK 12/22 invoke show/hide select list function this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime() this.aniTimer = window.setInterval(this.gRef + ".slide()", ypSlideOutMenu.minCPUResolution) } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.slide = function() { var elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime if (elapsed > ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen) this.endSlide() else { var d = Math.round(Math.pow(ypSlideOutMenu.aniLen-elapsed, 2) * this.accelConst) if (this.open && this.dirType == "-") d = -d else if (this.open && this.dirType == "+") d = -d else if (!this.open && this.dirType == "-") d = -this.dim + d else d = this.dim + d this.moveTo(d) } } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.endSlide = function() { this.aniTimer = window.clearTimeout(this.aniTimer) this.moveTo(this.open ? this.outPos : this.homePos) if (!this.open) this.setVisibility(false) if ((this.open && !this.over) || (!this.open && this.over)) { this.startSlide(this.over) } } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.setVisibility = function(bShow) { var s = this.ns4 ? this.container : this.container.style s.visibility = bShow ? "visible" : "hidden" } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.moveTo = function(p) { this.style[this.orientation == "h" ? "left" : "top"] = this.ns4 ? p : p + "px" } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.getPos = function(c) { return parseInt(this.style[c]) } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.setMenuPosition = function(link) { // 11/3 WK if (!link) return; var topnavImg = document.images[this.img]; var offsetTrail = topnavImg; var offsetLeft = 0; var offsetTop = 0; while (offsetTrail) { offsetLeft += offsetTrail.offsetLeft; offsetTop += offsetTrail.offsetTop; offsetTrail = offsetTrail.offsetParent; } if (this.ns4) { this.left = link.x; this.top = link.y; document.layers[this.id + 'Container'].left = link.x + this.offsetLeft; document.layers[this.id + 'Container'].top = link.y + this.offsetTop; } else { document.getElementById(this.id + 'Container').style.left = offsetLeft + this.offsetLeft + 'px'; document.getElementById(this.id + 'Container').style.top = offsetTop + topnavImg.height + this.offsetTop + 'px'; } } // ===== 12/22 WK - show/hide select lists ===== // ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.setSelectList = function() { var state = 'visible' for (var menu in ypSlideOutMenu.Registry) { if (ypSlideOutMenu.Registry[menu].open) state = 'hidden' for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; ++j) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'select-one') document.forms[i].elements[j].style.visibility = state; } } } } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.onactivate = function() { rollover(this.img, true) } ypSlideOutMenu.prototype.ondeactivate = function() { if (selected != this.img) rollover(this.img, false) }