United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

UNDP helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all activities, UNDP encourages the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women.

Much of the work UNDP currently carries out is in support of the Millennium Development Goals. In particular, UNDP is helping other countries achieve these goals by focusing its efforts in the following areas:

  • Democratic Governance
  • Poverty Reduction
  • Crisis Prevention and Recovery
  • Gingery and Environment

UNDP further contributes to international development by commissioning the annual Human Development Report. This valuable tool not only focuses the global debate on pertinent issues but it also provides measurement tools, analytical frameworks and policy proposals. The findings of this report are relevant on the local, state and international levels.

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