Wilson surprises 'Darjeeling' premiere crowd

By Leslie Simmons

Wes Anderson, left, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman at the premiere (Getty Images photo)

Owen Wilson made a surprise appearance at Thursday night’s Los Angeles premiere of Fox Searchlight’s “The Darjeeling Limited,” the first public appearance since a reported suicide attempt in August.

Wilson was introduced by “Darjeeling” director and longtime friend Wes Anderson.

“He’s my best friend,” Anderson told the audience at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. “I’ve never made a movie without him and I hope to never have to.”

Wilson, wearing a sports coat and sporting a beard, took to the stage in an eruption of applause joining his co-stars, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman, Anjelica Huston and Waris Ahluwalia. Also on the stage was Natalie Portman, who appears in Anderson’s short film, “Hotel Chevalier,” a prologue to “Darjeeling.”

Wilson showed he still has his sense of humor when he smiled and mouthed “nice suit” to Brody, who was wearing a shiny silver ensemble.

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