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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday Rudy Giuliani with a growing advantage in the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Giuliani is supported by 27% of Likely Primary Voters, his highest daily total in over a month.

Bush Job Approval at 37%

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of Americans approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Sixty percent (60%) disapprove.

2008 Republican Candidate Key Stats

See latest favorable ratings, match-ups and ideology for all 2008 GOP Presidential hopefuls.

2008 Democratic Candidate Key Stats

View updated favorable ratings, match-ups and ideology for Democratic hopefuls in the 2008 Presidential election.


Where Things Stand (Good News for Democrats): A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

Rasmussen's recent polling suggests compellingly that the Democratic Party maintains an enormously strong advantage over the Republican on all of the indicators that are monitored monthly.

Wisconsin: Toss-Up for Clinton and Leading Republicans

The race for Wisconsin’s ten Electoral College votes was extraordinarily close in both Election 2000 and Election 2004.

Obama: Has a Turnaround Begun?

In the first few months of 2007, Barack Obama burst onto the national political scene and quickly took hold of the number two slot in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Thompson's Numbers Decline: Is Fred Fizzling?

A look at the past three weeks of polling shows clear trends in the race for the GOP nomination but the meaning of those trends is less clear.

McCain Trails, Romney Flails in Latest Match-Ups with Edwards

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey also shows that Edwards has a more intimidating margin over former Governor Mitt Romney (R), 52% to 35%.

48% Say Candidate Spouses Should Be Visible and Outspoken

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 48% of American adults believe that spouses of Presidential candidates should be “visible and outspoken.” Thirty-six percent (36%) take the opposite view and say the spouses should be “seen and not heard.”

How to Read the Polls: A Commentary by Dick Morris

The polls for the primary and caucuses coming up at the very beginning of 2008 are all over the place.

Obama Still Strong Against GOP frontrunners Giuliani, Thompson

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Election 2008 shows Barack Obama sustaining a moderate five-point edge over Rudy Giuliani, still leading 47% to 42%.

27% of Republicans Would Vote for Pro-Life Third Party Instead of Giuliani

If Rudy Giuliani wins the Republican nomination and a third party campaign is backed by Christian conservative leaders, 27% of Republican voters say they’d vote for the third party option rather than Giuliani.

Behind the Horse Race Numbers: Edwards Strongest Democrat in General Election Match-ups; A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

The most recent Rasmussen Reports data show that all of the most likely Democratic nominees lead their strongest prospective opponents.

Huckabee Trails Clinton by Eight, Obama by Nine

Mike Huckabee may have won the first-ever Values Voter Presidential Debate Straw Poll in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but he is more often a runner-up in the Election 2008 presidential race.

Connecticut: Clinton 46% Giuliani 40%

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds Hillary Clinton (D) with a six-point advantage over fellow New Yorker Rudy Giuliani (R) in the race for Connecticut’s seven Electoral College votes.

An In Depth Look at Who Votes & Decides the GOP Primaries: A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

Rasmussen Reports polling has recently shown Fred Thompson leading the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination while most other polls place Rudy Giuliani in the lead and Thompson in second.


42% Believe U.S. Tortures Prisoners, 27% Say It Should

Forty-two percent (42%) of American voters believe that the United States tortures prisoners captured in the War on Terror.

Support Growing for Iraq Troop Withdrawal

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 64% of Americans would like to see U.S. troops brought home from Iraq within a year.

Why Bush Has To Compromise on Children's Health - A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

A recently released poll by Rasmussen provides compelling evidence why President Bush used his Saturday radio address to indicate he is prepared to compromise with Congress on funding the State's Children Health Insurance Program.

28% Say Economy Top Issue for 2008 Presidential Election

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Americans named the economy as the most important issue in terms of how they will cast their Presidential vote in Election 2008.

Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 48% Republicans 36%

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that, if the Congressional Election were held today, 48% of American voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their district and 36% would opt for the Republican.

Party Affiliation: Dem 37.2% GOP 32.6%

During the month of September, 37.2% of Americans considered themselves to be Democrats, 32.6% said they were Republicans, and 30.2% were not affiliated with either major party.

57% Oppose Bush Veto of Children’s Health Insurance Legislation

Sixty-five percent (65%) of American voters know that President Bush vetoed a bill expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Americans Want Hawkish Attitude Towards Iran: A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

The American people have clearly spent a great deal of time thinking about Iran and President Ahmadinejad.

66% Say Anyone Willing to Sweat a Little Can Make a Decent Living in U.S.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of all likely voters believe that "just about anyone who is willing to work hard" can make a decent living in this country; 28% disagree and say that’s not the case.

44% Say Constitution Should Be Supreme Court’s Guiding Light

As the Supreme Court begins a new term, 44% of Americans would counsel the justices to base their decisions “strictly upon what is written in the Constitution and legal precedents.”

American People in a Sour Mood: A Commentary by Douglas Schoen

The American people are in a sour mood. The latest Rasmussen data shows that President Bush's approval is still below 40%.

Voters Reject Clinton Baby Bond Proposal By 2-to-1 Margin

Sixty percent (60%) of America’s Likely Voters oppose giving every child born in the United
States a $5,000 savings bond, or “baby bond.”

36% Say More Runways Needed to Reduce Air Traffic Congestion

Business travelers love to grumble about the growing inconvenience of air travel, but few are paying attention to the debate over how to relieve air traffic congestion.


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