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Posted on Sun, Nov. 04, 2007


On Tuesday, no one is more powerful than you

I believe in God, family and country. I believe this is the greatest country in the world. I believe in our Constitution and the rule of law. I support our military in any mission they are assigned. I am against illegal immigration. I believe this is still the land of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard to achieve their goals. We have a representative form of government, but I believe most politicians have forgotten that they represent the people who elected them and not special-interest groups.

If I were to believe the mainstream media I would have to conclude that having these beliefs puts me in the minority. However, I believe most Americans share my beliefs but the media showcase those among us who hate America and our form of government and despise our military.

All of us, regardless of political party, should be concerned about what is happening in our country. I am so disgusted with the Democrat and Republican parties that I have decided to become an independent. With few exceptions, I find myself voting for the lesser of two evils.

It is time that we start voting for the candidate, regardless of political affiliation, who will best represent us. Our power is in the voting booth and if we want our country to survive we must use that power to put the right people in office.


After Tuesday, they'll forget who we are

If I am to make any suggestions to the present crop of political hopefuls, experience tells me that I should make them before Nov. 6. That, as we all know, is the date when informed, intelligent potential voters become mindless, radical constituents not worth listening to.

• I would like someone running for insurance commissioner to ask the insurance companies: If one hurricane is reason to increase rates a ridiculous amount, then why doesn't two years without a hurricane of any intensity call for a comparable decrease in rates?

• I would like to ask any seeker of a Washington job: If the majority of Americans want secure borders, why doesn't someone introduce a bill whose sole purpose is to build a border fence to stem the flow of illegal immigrants and leave out the controversial and divisive element of citizenship for illegals already here or the pork projects that would guarantee the bill's demise?

• I would like to ask any future national leader: If the government is considering bailing out consumers who bought more house than they could afford, will that same government bail me out if I buy a car that is more expensive than I can afford?