FT World Reports

Hier finden Sie ausgewählte World Reports der FINANCIAL TIMES. Die Berichterstattung bietet einen umfassenden und abgeschlossenen Überblick über einzelne Länder in englischer Sprache, mit Fokus auf deren Industrien und Branchen, Finanzinstitutionen und aktuelle Wirtschaftsthemen. Für Abonnenten der FINANCIAL TIMES DEUTSCHLAND ist dieses Angebot kostenlos.

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05. 12. 2007

(€) Saudi Arabia 2007

Economy: Andrew England says the government has to ensure that history does not repeat itself - after the heady days of the first oil boom, the economy stagnated - Black gold: In the space created by the lack of detailed data, a fierce debate has blown up over how much oil it can produce - Foreign policy: The dilemma for King Abdullah is how to engage in diplomacy and avert risk - Women: Rulers still avoid challenging orthodoxy mehr


04. 12. 2007

(€) Germany 2007

Economy: The future depends on freedom from the US - Profile: Peer Steinbrück, finance minister, has delivered results - Arts: Concert halls are being forced to target young listeners as the general population ages - Banking: Moves among public banks could signal a shakeout - Foreign Policy: Deploying German troops abroad is controversial mehr


03. 12. 2007

(€) Cyprus 2007

Economy: Consumers are hesitant, but businesses are looking forward to the arrival of the euro - Politics: There are two new challengers to the veteran incumbent, Tassos Papadopoulos - Tourism: Andreas Hadjipapas and Kerin Hope say secondhome owners are more numerous than sun and sea tourists - Organised crime: This is a hotbed for criminals trading in trafficked women mehr


21. 11. 2007

(€) Uganda 2007

The economy: Cracks are beginning to show in the marriage between the World Bank and its model reformer - The succession: As the country matures, Museveni's length of tenure looks more anachronistic - Banking: For rural customers, the rush of new entrants is good news - Oil exploration: When Tullow struck lucky, it was potentially a historic moment for an aiddependent country - HIV/Aids: An Indian company has started making cheap antiretrovirals mehr


21. 11. 2007

(€) Turkey 2007

Economy: An intractable problem is the most pressing, yet legalising work that does not appear on offical radar screens would transform governmental accounts - Energy: The market for power is distorted by many things - Istanbul: This ancient city has become very fashionable - Foreign investment: The government is trying to ease restrictions and provide incentives mehr


16. 11. 2007

(€) Cape Verde 2007

The Economy: Emergence from poorcountry status is just one of a number of milestones - International relations: Ties carry special weight in a country with more of its people abroad than at home - Property: A British television programme has a lot to answer for - Migration: New role as a transit point for migrants from other parts of west Africa - Music Cape: Verde’s lifeblood is its musical heritage mehr


12. 11. 2007

(€) Croatia 2007

Serbia: Relations between the two states are proper without being warm - Domestic Investment: The communist past has left a rich industrial legacy - Economy: Inflation is subdued and GDP growth strong but there are concerns over shortterm debt - Stock market: The Zagreb bourse has been stoked by privatisation issues - Tourism: More upmarket visitors are needed - Marco Polo: Croatian roots? mehr


05. 11. 2007

(€) Tanzania 2007

The economy: progress in efforts to reduce poverty - Agriculture: People at every link of the commodity chain describe a thicket of obstacles - Village Life: Profile of Bulongwa - Mining: A sector created from scratch in just 10 years - Tourism: Effort to carve out a prestige niche in the region, setting itself apart from massmarket Kenya mehr


02. 11. 2007

(€) Georgia 2007

Russia: Trade and transport sanctions by Moscow are the reaction of a spurned lover - Economy: Stellar growth defines one of the world’s most liberal economies - Energy: Tbilisi’s strategy to bind itself to western Europe rests on pipelines mehr


29. 10. 2007

(€) Austria 2007

Economy: Ralph Atkins looks at a success story that has striking contrasts with neighbouring Germany - Banking: Eric Frey says the media focus on regulatory failures has left Vienna's wellregarded reputation unaffected - Guest Column: It is time that Austria acknowledged the fact that it has neighbours mehr




Middendorp vor dem Rausflug

Ungeachtet eines lauen Dementis steht wohl die Entlassung des Arminia-Trainers an. mehr

Stürze in Aspen - Riesch Neunte beim Slalom

Bad Kleinkirchheim/Aspen (dpa) - Maria Riesch l...  mehr

Out of Office

Wunder gibt es immer wieder

Die Brauerei Warsteiner lässt ihre Belegschaft auf der Weihnachtsfeier singen. mehr

Die großen Klimasünder lenken ein

Die Klimakonferenz auf Bali will alle Länder auf konkrete Emissionsziele bis 2020 festnageln. mehr

Bayers Hoffnungsträger im Reifetest

Der Chemie- und Pharmakonzern Bayer präsentiert Studien zu einem Thrombosehemmer. mehr

T-Mobile verteidigt iPhone-Pakt

Das Apple-Handy soll Datendiensten zum Durchbruch verhelfen. mehr

Löscher boxt neue Kultur durch

Siemens-Chef fordert von der Führungsebene mehr Verantwortung ein. mehr

Springer treibt Posttochter in Pleite

Noch vor Weihnachten werde das Unternehmen abgewickelt. mehr

Web-Dossiers vom Montag

Finden lassen, statt selber suchen

Das Research-Team der FTD hat umfassende Linklisten zusammengestellt. mehr

Das Kapital

Helikopter-Ben und Alchemisten-Hank

Anschnallen, Helikopter-Ben ist im Anflug und beharkt den US-Leitzins. mehr

ZDF kämpft um Claus Kleber

Die Gesellschafter des "Spiegel" wollen Kleber das Amt des Chefredakteurs anbieten. mehr

Kopf hoch, Hans Schlegel

Während die Vorfreude auf Weihnachten überall steigt, fiebert Hans Schlegel ganz anderen Dingen entgegen. mehr