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About Families World Wide

Leaders of Families Worldwide

Mark E. Strong; President

Brad C. Stone; Chairman

About Families Worldwide
History of the Organization

Established as The Cottage Program International in Salt Lake City in 1972, The Cottage Program developed an excellent Home Learning Guide for families affected by substance abuse. This Guide, based on solid research, helps the family reestablish within itself patterns of cohesion and wellness by learning and applying values which form the benchmark of strong families. After a national search, The Families in Focus Program (as this family-strengthening program was then called) was selected as one of the top 25 programs for parenting and family management in the United States. It also became the "United Nations Handbook Choice" in 1994, the UN Year of the Family. The program has enriched over 30,000 families in various countries throughout the world.

In 1996, prominent Salt Lake City businessmen Brad Stone and Mark Strong accepted the positions of Chairman/C.E.O., and President of the Cottage Program International. These two men had leadership positions in other family-oriented organizations and because of their commitment to strengthening families, they welcomed the opportunity to further the cause of families. Mr. Stone and Mr. Strong changed the name of the organization to Families Worldwide to better reflect the universal application of the family-strengthening work.

Families Worldwide is engaged in an exciting and challenging work. At this time in history there is a stirring throughout the world. Leaders of nations and people everywhere are recognizing that the family is the most important unit in society. There is an increasing realization that the strength of a nation is reflected in the strength of its families. We are dedicated to strengthening

relationships at home by teaching principles of truth, which lead to individual and family happiness.


The mission of Families Worldwide is to strengthen families through programs based on six principles which help form the benchmark of strong families. The family-strengthening and relationship-building principles are: Kindness, Commitment, Communication, Choices, Well-Being and Spirituality.


Families Worldwide believes that the greatest resource in solving family problems lies within the family members themselves. Teaching families correct principles and providing them with practical skills increases their capacity to strengthen family bonds and to lead happy, productive lives. Strong families build strong individuals, and those individuals build the kind of world we all dream of.

Programs and Services

Solutions For Families - A book and in-home program based on research which focuses on six relationship-building and family-strengthening areas: Kindness,Commitment, Com-munication, Choices, Well-Being, Spirituality.

Solutions For Parents - Group classes which teach valuable parenting skills.

Inmate Rehabilitation - Classes for prison inmates, parolees and their families.

Corporate Workshops - Corporate family members benefit by applying the six relationship building principles to all facets of their lives.

Chapter Development - Independent chapters bring the programs of Families Worldwide to communities around the globe.

Families are Strengthened by . . .

bullet Kindness In Thoughts, Words, Voice and Actions
bullet Commitment With your Time, Goals, Service, and Traditions
bullet Communication By Understanding, using Positive Words, Listening, and Being Open
bullet Choices By understanding Responsibility, Rules and Consequences, Problem Prevention, and Problem Solving
bullet Well-Being In the areas of Physical, Mental, Social and Financial
bullet Spirituality By our Beliefs, Prayers, Worship, and Sharing Our Gifts

We Affirm That . . .
bullet Strong Families make strong communities
bullet Strong Communities help sustain strong families
bullet A Father and Mother in the home is the best environment for child rearing and overall societal well-being
bullet Family Fragmentation drives society's most pressing social problems: crime, educational failure, declining mental health, drug abuse, and poverty

Your Involvement . . .

Families Worldwide and you!

If you believe the family is the cornerstone of society and that adverse forces in the world today are tearing the family apart, please consider helping Families Worldwide by:

bullet Being a Volunteer The more volunteers we have, the more families we can reach.
bullet Starting a Chapter Through Chapters, volunteers can take traditional family principles to every corner of the globe.
bullet  Making a charitable contribution Your generosity will help bring hope to struggling families everywhere.

Families Worldwide has helped strengthen over 30,000 families in the United States, Canada, Scotland, England, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South and Central America, Turkey, and India. Families Worldwide and its programs can work for you within your existing organization or group, or in a new organization that we will help you set up. For more information, please contact us in one of the following ways:

Send us an email detailing the information you desire,

Send us mail:

Families Worldwide
5248 Pinemont Dr., Suite C-190
Salt Lake City, UT 84123 USA
Phone: USA 801/268-6461
Fax: USA 801/268-6471

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If you are interested in additional information and research on families, or on how we can help you set up a Families Worldwide Chapter in your community or country, please feel free to contact us via e-mail.

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