Thursday, February 2, 2006

Groundhog Day!

Today we celebrate Groundhog Day. In Pennsylvania, a bunch of folks will wait around to see if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow. Here in Iraq, we celebrate Groundhog Day everyday. This is what I wrote some family and friends a couple of months ago:
"In Iraq, every day is Tuesday. You worked yesterday, you’re working today, and you’re working tomorrow – and it'll be a long time before you see the weekend. The Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day" gets cited so much here that it's become code for everything we don't like about life in Iraq. When you’re sick of the food (roast chicken again!), you say it's "Groundhog Day". After the umpteenth staff meeting where you discuss the same issues, someone will invariably call out "Groundhog Day". We’ve all become so routinized that even our term for the routine has become a cliche."
Not much to add, except that I hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow today. I'd like to enjoy some summer weather when I come home on midtour leave.

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