
New: The Cut Scene

Variety video games reporter and reviews editor Ben Fritz tracks the business of games and their intersection with Hollywood.

The Cut Scene

Scribe Vibe

WGA Strike Blog is Variety's portal for all things writers strike -- reports from the picket lines, interviews with those impacted and breaking-news updates.

Writers strike hits the streets
Writers strike hits the streets
Click here for in-depth analysis of the WGA writers strike

The Stylephile

The Stylephile is a potent cocktail of sweet and sour musings on the culture of keeping up appearances. Style should never be a humorless pursuit; let style editor Caroline Ryder entertain you.

The Stylephile

Thompson On Hollywood

Check in daily with trusted source Anne Thompson to cut through the clutter of entertainment news and get the real dope on what's going on behind the scenes in Hollywood, Indiewood and beyond.

Thompson On Hollywood

Red Carpet District

From the National Board of Review's announcement in December to the annual Oscar ceremony in February, the film awards season is a three-month sprint to the finish. Amateur and sanctioned outlets alike descend to cover the vibrant glut of industry awards, but now you can get your fix in a single sitting as Kristopher Tapley offers exclusive commentary and consolidates the scene for laymen and insiders alike.

Red Carpet District: Kris Taple
Welcome to the Red Carpet District
Shock and awe, Variety has dived headlong into the Oscar blog universe, and it seems someone convinced them I was the guy to run the show. I should probably tuck in my shirt.

Littleton On the Air

Cynthia Littleton On the Air surveys the news, oddities, major players and rising stars of the small-screen scene. Littleton, Variety’s deputy editor of news development, tracks the buzz that makes the TV biz go ‘round 24/7 and posts a weekly Web-exclusive column.

Cynthia Littleton On the Air

The Set List

The Set List is written and compiled by Variety associate editor Phil Gallo. Gallo, based in Los Angeles, writes about the music business for Daily Variety and reviews concerts, television shows and theater.

The Set List: Phil Gallo

Bags and Boards

The trends, the buzz and the business of the comic book industry. Written by Tom McLean.

Bags and Boards

The Knife

The Knife is because Hollywood wouldn’t work without back-to-back breakfast meetings, lunches booked weeks in advance and the calculations of whether someone is worth drinks or dinner. And just because our "good" restaurants are often judged by who's next to your table rather than what's on your plate, that’s no reason you shouldn’t eat well. Or, to put it another way: Someone’s paying a lot for all those meals. You should enjoy a few of them.

Dana Harris The Knife

The Circuit

From Sundance to Cannes, Berlin to Toronto, The Circuit is the place to find out what really happens on the red carpet. Parties, premieres and people - everything that makes up a film festival - will live on Variety's The Circuit.

The Circuit

Johnson on Politics

Johnson on Politics highlights the enduring relationship between entertainment and politics. More than a mere curiosity, the intersection of these worlds play out daily in fund raising, celebrity causes, show business lobbying and creative expression. Variety editor-at-large Ted Johnson provides the daily dose with contributions from reporters in L.A. and D.C. .

Ted Johnson Wilshire & Washington

Army Archerd - Hollywood's original blogger

Army Archerd - Hollywood's original blogger: Archerd's "Just for Variety" column was a regular feature in Daily Variety from 1953 to 2005, breaking countless exclusive stories from even normally press-shy celebs like Marlon Brando. Archerd now takes his reportage online, blogging in his own inimitable style.

Army Archerd

Variety On The Town

Variety On the Town is your ticket to the hottest premieres, parties, award shows and more. Get an inside look as the stars and industry folk mix and mingle. Variety's Mia Sulpor provides you with your daily party fix along with contributions from Variety reporters around the globe.

Mia Sulpor Variety On the Town

TV Season Pass

Season Pass is written and compiled by Variety's panel of TV editors. Check in daily for updates and opinions on the fall series.


Q What are the top 3 things affecting our industry today?
A. bobfraser - Lack of creativity. Erosion of audience confidence. Poor executive management.more >

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