ARCOP Workshops

The workshops have been a continuing activity throughout the project to create the input, to follow the project and to conclude and disseminate the results. The workshops have also served as the industrial, scientific and political reference group.

Every year, during the three years of activity, the project has organised three workshops. The workshop chairmen, speakers and other participants were invited from relevant industry, governmental bodies and representatives of technology and science. The workshop participants had direct access to the planning and the results of ARCOP. In the course of time, the workshops formed a popular forum for the experts to meet and tackle the challenges of Arctic transportation.

The workshops were arranged and headed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland. The nine meetings of experts gathered 400 representatives of industry, the authorities and the scientific community from altogether 89 organisations.

The workshop reports and presentations will be available through the website until the end of 2007.

Workshop 1-9 Participant Statistics (pdf)
Workshop Newsletter