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Republic of Azerbaijan
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General Information

1. Map

2. State Symbols
  2.1. Flag
  2.2. Emblem
  2.3. National Anthem

3. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

4. General Information
  4.1. Location
  4.2. Country Name
  4.3. Capital
  4.4. State Language
  4.5. Religion
  4.6. Population
  4.7. Monetary Unit

5. National Holidays
  5.1. Memorable Days

6. Territory
  6.1. Area
  6.2. Length of Land Boundaries
  6.3. Borders with Neighbouring Countries
  6.4. Administrative Division
    6.4.1. Autonomous Republic
    6.4.2. Regions
    6.4.3. Major Cities

1. Map

General Information

     2. State Symbols

2.1. Flag

General Information

     The Flag contains three horizontal stripes of equal width. The upper stripe is of blue color, the middle one is red and the lower is green. The blue color is the color of Turkic (Azerbaijani) ethnos, red color symbolizes the adherence to freedom, democracy and human rights, and the green is the color of Islam. There is a white crescent and eight-pointed star in the middle of the red stripe. The star is the reflection of the eight different branches of the Turkic people. The ratio of the height of the flag to its length is 1 to 2.

2.2. Emblem

General Information

     The star, also seen in the flag, has the same meaning, namely, the eight different branches of the Turkic people. This eight-pointed star framed by gold, is superimposed on three circles: the inner one is green, the middle one is red, and the outer one is blue. These colors match the flag colors. Between each star point, on the blue circle, there are also smaller gold-framed eight-pointed stars. Inside the main central star there is a fire. The fire recalls the country's other name: Land of fire. This fire symbolizes also freedom. The shield stands on a golden ear of corn.

2.3. National Anthem

General Information

     Music by Useir Hajibayov
     Words by Ahmad Javad

     Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan!
     You are the country of heroes!
     We will die so that you might be alive!
     We will shed our blood to defend you!
     Long live your three-colored banner!
     Thousands of people sacrificed their lives
     You've become the field of battles.
     Every soldier fighting for youhas become a hero.
     We pray for your prosperity,
     We sacrifice our lives to you.
     Our sincere love to you
     Comes from the bottom of our hearts.
     To defend your honor,
     To hoist your banner,
     All the young people are ready.
     Glorious motherland,
     Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan!

3. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

General Information
     Ilham Aliyev
     Ilham Heydar ogli Aliyev was born in December 24, 1961 in the city of Baku.
     From 1967 till 1977 he studied in elementary and secondary schools in the city of Baku.
     After graduating from secondary school in 1977, he entered Moscow State University of International Relations (MSUIR).
     Upon graduation in 1982, he entered a post-graduate course at MSUIR.
     After graduating from the University in 1985, he received a Master's degree in History and International Relations.
     From 1985 till 1990 he was a teacher at MSUIR.
     From 1991 to 1994 he was engaged in private commercial activity in Moscow and Istanbul.
     In May 1994 he became first vice-president of State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR),
     In 1995 he was elected a member of the parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
     In December 1999 he was elected to the post of Deputy Chairman, then in 2001 - First Deputy Chairman, of the "Yeni Azerbaijan" party. (governing political party of the Republic).
     From 1997 he has been president of National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a post that he continues to hold.
     In January 2003 he was elected vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Bureau member.
     In accordance with Milli Majlis decree dated August 4, 2003, he was appointed to the post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
     Elected as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 15, 2003.
     He is fluent in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and French.
     He has a son and two daughters.

4. General Information

     4.1. Location: The Republic of Azerbaijan lies in the borderlands of Asia and Europe. It is situated in the south-eastern part of the Southern Caucasus and shares borders in the north with the Russian Federation, in the south with the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the west with Turkey, Georgia and Armenia, and in the east its neighbors across the Caspian Sea are Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

     4.2. Country Name: Azərbaycan Respublikası (Republic of Azerbaijan)

     4.3. Capital: Bakı (in USSR Baku) with a population of 1 811 000 (according to 2006 census)

     4.4. State Language: Azerbaijani

     4.5. Religion: Religion is separated from the State and all religions are equal before the law

     4.6. Population:The population is 8 436 000 people (January, 2006)

     4.7. Monetary Unit: Manat (1 US $ = 0.9170 manat as at January, 2006)

5. National Holidays

     January 1 - New Year
     March 8 - Women's Day
     March 20-21 - Novruz bayramı (Celebration of Spring)
     May 9 - Day of Victory over Fascism
     May 28 - Republic Day
     June 15 - National Salvation Day
     June 26 - Armed Forces Day
     October 18 - National Independence Day
     November 12 - Constitution Day
     November 17 - National Revival Day
     December 31 - Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis throughout the World

     Qurban bayramı (Thanksgiving-Offering Day) and Ramazan bayramı (End of Fasting) - The dates of celebration of these religious holidays are changed every year in accordance with the lunar calendar.

     5.1. Memorable Days:
     January 20 - Day of Shehids' (Martyrs) Remembrance
     February 26 - Day of Khojali Remembrance
     March 31 - Genocide of Azerbaijanis'

6. Territory

     6.1. Area: 86,600 sq km

     6.2. Length of Land Boundaries: 2,646 km

     6.3. Borders with Neighbouring Countries: Armenia - 1007 km, Georgia - 480 km, Iran - 756 km, Russia - 390 km, Turkey - 13 km

     6.4. Administrative Division

     6.4.1. Autonomous Republic
     Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası (Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic)

     6.4.2. Regions: The Republic of Azerbaijan consists 65 regions, 69 cities, 13 urban regions, 130 settlements of urban type and 4354 rural settlements.
     Abşeron, Ağcabədi, Ağdam, Ağdaş, Ağstafa, Ağsu, Astara, Balakən, Beyləqan, Bərdə, Biləsuvar, Cəbrayıl, Cəlilabad, Daşkəsən, Dəvəçi, Fizuli, Gədəbəy, Goranboy, Göyçay, Hacıqabul, Xaçmaz, Xanlar, Xızı, Xocalı, Xocavənd, İmişli, İsmayıllı, Kəlbəcər, Kürdəmir, Qax, Qazax, Qəbələ, Qobustan, Quba, Qubadlı, Qusar, Laçın, Lerik, Lənkəran, Masallı, Neftçala, Oğuz, Saatlı, Sabirabad, Salyan, Samux, Siyəzən, Şamaxı, Şəki, Şəmkir, Şuşa, Tərtər, Tovuz, Ucar, Yardımlı, Yevlax, Zaqatala, Zəngilan, Zərdab

     6.4.3. Major Cities
     Bakı, Əli Bayramlı, Gəncə, Xankəndi, Lənkəran, Mingəçevir, Naftalan, Sumqayıt, Şəki, Şuşa, Yevlax

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