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The Moscow Times guide to the most delectable places in Moscow on

The Moscow Times is introducing the website, a place for advice and exchange of impressions about restaurants and bars in Moscow.


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-Vladimir Pozner, Journalist and author

Rambler's Top100

Market Matters: As Conflict Ends, Markets on Road to Recovery
After tumbling to its lowest point in almost two years on Tuesday, Russia's MICEX Index began to slowly claw its way back over the rest of the week, suggesting a possible end to the volatility that has plagued the country's markets since tensions erupted between Russia and Georgia on Aug. 8.

The Moscow Times invites you to take part in annual M&A; Forum "KEY SUCCESS FACTORS FOR SELLING A BUSINESS", that will be held on 30 September 2008 at Marriott Aurora Hotel (Petrovka st., 11/20)

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Wednesday evening

Foggy 16o C
Winds: SW at 3.5 m/s Pressure: 746 mb Humidity: 83% more

Hurdles Ahead.

Boosting Population a Vague Science

Armed With Nukes and a Vague Plan

Balancing Growth and Environment

Lots of Work but Too Few Workers

Rich Get Richer as Poor Get Poorer

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Blame Capitalism, Not Medvedev
By Boris Kagarlitsky

10 Reasons Why the Economy Will Falter
By Anders Aslund

Turning Russia Into a Terrorist Enclave
By Yulia Latynina

How Russia Turns Liberals Into Authoritarians
By Yevgeny Kiselyov

Russia's Bronze Medal In International Affairs
By Konstantin Sonin

Andropov's Ghost Lives On
By Nikolai Petrov

Show Russia the Good Side
By Mark H. Teeter

When a Toast for Peace Works Best in Russian
By Matthew Collin

One Way to Live Happily Ever After
By Michele A. Berdy

Nation of Champions Starts in the Courtyard
By Georgy Bovt

Don't Trust Politicians With War
By Alexander Golts

Rethinking the War
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The Age of Solzhenitsyn
By Alexei Bayer

How Pique and Spite Can Destroy Relations
By Vladimir Frolov

Georgian Crisis Is a Trap for U.S. Leadership
By Fyodor Lukyanov

The Missiles of July
By Richard Lourie

Immunity From the Oil Curse
By Martin Gilman

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