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The Moscow Times launched a new, expanded stock markets page.

The Moscow Times launched a new, expanded stock markets page on Monday, March 24. The information includes comprehensive, up-to-date data from RTS and, for the first time, from Russia's other major exchange, MICEX. RTS and MICEX are supplying the data directly to The Moscow Times newspaper.


"I am a long time fan of the Moscow Times. Due to my profession, I read a large number of newspapers, among which the Moscow Times stands out in several respects. First of all, it furnishes different viewpoints, allowing the reader to draw conclusions based on comparison. Second, it presents objective news and does not confuse news with editorials or opinion pieces. Third, it adheres to the highest journalistic principles. Fourth, it does not publish misleading headlines, nor does it deal in rumors. Finally, it is well written and should be complimented on it's standards of English. I congratulate the Moscow Times on its 15th anniversary, during which time it has remained truly independent - keep up the good work!"
-Vladimir Pozner, Journalist and author

Market Matters : Oil and Metals Shine as RTS Breaks 2,100
The RTS, the country's benchmark stock index, breached the 2,100 barrier for the first time this year, as oil and metal stocks pulled away from the field.

Putin's Legacy : How the State Got a Grip on Energy
It was early March 2000 when Vladimir Putin landed in Surgut, one stop on a long campaign trail that would help take the acting president to the official seat in the Kremlin.

Currency Exchange

USD/RUR - 23.5
EUR/RUR - 37.1


Sunday morning

Rain 8o C
Winds: NE at 4.5 m/s Pressure: 742 mb Rewelt: 84% more

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