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Town Hall, Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG

Business matters

Tower Hamlets - the place for business

Tower Hamlets is emerging as the newest area of growth and opportunity in one of the most dynamic capitals in the world. To ensure local people benefit from the Tower Hamlets success story the council is striving to make the borough a place where businesses of all sizes benefit from growing economic prosperity, regeneration and investment.

How is this achieved?

Useful contacts

If you are seeking a location for a social or business event, visit our interactive website where you can search for venues by capacity, location, layout and style. Using the London Eastside website, you can send just one email enquiry to all your chosen venues to find out about availability, cost and other details – saving you lots of time and phone calls. An A4 ‘Destination Guide’ (PDF) is available online, giving a snapshot of attractions in each area or phone 020 7364 4900 for a hard copy.

Pid Nos: 347, 350.