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Town Hall, Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG

photo: collage of people and places in Tower Hamlets

Your council

Tower Hamlets Council is made up of 51 elected local councillors from 17 wards, also known as local voting areas, across the borough. Each ward is represented by three councillors. Find out what ward you live in by using our postcode search.

The current political make-up or composition of the council is 33 Labour Councillors, 8 Conservative Councillors, 6 Respect Councillors, 4 Liberal Democrat Councillors.

The Leader of the Council is Councillor Lutfur Rahman, who is also the Leader of the Labour Group.

Councillors are elected to represent their communities. Voters can meet their elected councillors to obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about services that the council provides, through attending the individual councillor's consultation session, known as a 'surgery'.

Find out when your ward surgeries are held.

Contact your councillor

The council operates through a formal cabinet executive decision-making structure, with an overview and scrutiny committee, a standards committee and various other decision-making committees. The aim is to introduce a decision-making structure that allows for more efficient consideration of council business.