08.10.2008 09:37
Es wurden die folgenden Ergebnisse für European gefunden:

Euro-Ökonomen warnen vor Ad-Hoc-Krisenmanagement

02. Oktober 2008 10:04 Uhr
Thomas Fricke

Für ein gemeinsames europäisches Vorgehen gegen das akute Meltdown-Risiko an den Finanzmärkten haben sich in einem offenen Brief ein knappes Dutzend renommierter europäischer Ökonomen ausgesprochen, darunter Charles Wyplosz, Daniel Gros und Willem Buiter. Ein Konter zur wohlfeilen Position des vermutlich stark überforderten deutschen Finanzministers, der lieber ad hoc entscheidet und die Sache damit womöglich nur noch schlimmer macht. Unterschriften noch gesucht. Hier ist der Text.


Erste Reaktionen auf die nächste Eskalationsstufe

29. September 2008 23:34 Uhr
Thomas Fricke
Das US-Rettungspaket ist erstmal gescheitert, an den Börsen herrscht Panik. Hier sind ein paar Gedanken des Global Chief Economist von Unicredit darüber, was das bedeutet. Gut auf den Punkt gebracht. weiter

Holger Schmieding - How to restore European resilience

23. Juli 2008 16:58 Uhr

Game over. After braving a barrage of global headwinds for two years without veering off course, the eurozone economy is now finally running aground. The surge in oil prices by $45 per barrel over the first six months of the year and the further 4.5 per cent spike in the effective euro exchange rate at the same time have gone beyond what the region can bear. Unless oil and currency markets turn around soon, the eurozone may grow hardly at all for the next three quarters.


The next ten years of the euro

02. Juni 2008 09:46 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Der Euro feiert seinen zehnten Geburtstag. Was erwartet ihn die kommenden zehn Jahre?

Spanische Lektionen

14. Mai 2008 14:28 Uhr
Hubert Beyerle
Nach Jahren des Aufschwungs bekommt Spanien jetzt konjunkturellen Gegenwind zu spüren. Ging doch alles zu schnell? weiter

Euro-Zone braucht mehr als ein Weiter-so*

07. Mai 2008 21:57 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Der Euro hat in den vergangenen zehn Jahren eine Erfolgsgeschichte geschrieben. Seine Regularien müssen aber modernisiert werden.  weiter

Jean Pisani-Ferry - The right case for reforms

13. April 2008 19:21 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Throughout the euro area, the economic reform agenda remains unfinished. Confronted with painfully long To-Do lists, many governments were already agonizing last year when the economic environment was brilliant. With growth faltering and inflation edging up, are they likely to accelerate or put the reform agenda on the backburner? weiter

Charles Wyplosz - The Fed is delaying the day of reckoning

13. März 2008 15:18 Uhr
In 1971, with the greenback weak and falling, US Treasury secretary John Connally famously told the rest of the world that the US dollar was “our currency and your problem”. Thirty years later, with the dollar strong and still rising, Robert Rubin, his successor, no less famously stated that “a strong dollar is in the interest of the United States”. weiter

Daniel Gros - Die Welle schwappt herüber

29. Februar 2008 13:58 Uhr
Bisher beschränken sich die Auswirkungen der US-Hypothekenkrise in Europa auf die Finanzmärkte. Es wird nicht mehr lange dauern, bis auch diesseits des Atlantiks die Immobilienpreise abstürzen. weiter

Eloi Laurent - Why the European Central Bank must cut rates

22. Februar 2008 15:52 Uhr
According to the most recent optimistic estimates, the crisis in the global economy could ease for virtually everyone - the US, Japan, emerging nations, developing countries - by the year end. That is everyone but the euro area. weiter

Rougher times ahead for the euro area

08. Februar 2008 23:42 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Nearly ten years after its inauguration the euro area proved to be a success. But the latest financial turmoils should be understood as a wake up call for policymakers to prepare for more stormy times ahead.

Mangelnde EZB-Transparenz und Konjunkturpakete

07. Februar 2008 00:02 Uhr
Andre Kühnlenz

Pünktlich zum heutigen Treffen der Europäischen Zentralbank gibt es von drei europäischen Ökonomen herbe Kritik an der Transparenz der Euro-Hüter. Die Zinsentscheidungen seien zu unklar für die Märkte, schreiben Charles Wyplosz und zwei Kollegen. Wir haben bei Wyplosz nachgehakt, was er von Konjunkturpaketen in Europa hält.


Kenneth Rogoff - China may yet be the economy to lose sleep over

05. Februar 2008 12:19 Uhr
Given the highly vulnerable state of the US and European economies, what would happen to global growth if the Chinese juggernaut also started sputtering? Few investors or policymakers seem to be seriously contemplating this scenario. weiter

Samuel Brittan - High time for all of us to ‘buck up’

01. Februar 2008 18:31 Uhr
In the ideal stimulus for the world today, the main push would come from Asia and the euro zone. weiter

Finance Europe's Fast Movers

31. Januar 2008 23:36 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Of the world’s 500 largest firms only three were started in Europe in the period since 1975.  Even though many new firms are created in Europe, they tend to grow less briskly than in other economies, according to a new study of my collegues Thomas Philippon and Nicolas Véron.  weiter

Dominique Strauss-Kahn - Ein Fall für einen fiskalischen Impuls

30. Januar 2008 09:25 Uhr
Gegen die Abschwächung der Weltwirtschaft sollten die Regierungen jetzt zu expansiver Fiskalpolitik greifen. Aus der Financial Times. weiter

Holger Schmieding - Europe will be able to bounce back from the shocks

23. Januar 2008 09:59 Uhr
Can Europe brave the storm? While the US economy is skirting recession, the eurozone is struggling with shocks ranging from the strong euro to persistent financial turbulence and a severe spike in oil and food prices. The 16 per cent sell-off in major European equity indices so far this year threatens to transmit more of the US - and UK - weakness into continental Europe. weiter

Samuel Brittan - We have defences against a slump

18. Januar 2008 12:49 Uhr
There are many problems about policies to maintain activity, but lack of policy instruments is not one of them. weiter

Martin Wolf - The dangers of living in a zero-sum world economy

20. Dezember 2007 14:38 Uhr
We live in a positive-sum world economy and have done so for about two centuries. This, I believe, is why democracy has become a political norm, empires have largely vanished, legal slavery and serfdom have disappeared and measures of well-being have risen almost everywhere. weiter

Edmund Phelps - Innovative thinking for European business

20. Dezember 2007 14:28 Uhr

The great ideas about enterprise and society were all European. Ancient Greece began humanist conceptions of the good life. Italy evolved a culture of practical knowledge and artistic creativity for business ends.


Kenneth Rogoff - The Fed must not play Santa to the markets

18. Dezember 2007 16:47 Uhr

Markets are right to be concerned about recession risks, but there is an awful lot of whining mixed in here.


Martin Wolf - Why the credit squeeze is a turning point for the world

12. Dezember 2007 11:47 Uhr
These are historic moments for the world economy. I felt the same during the emerging market financial crises of 1997 and 1998 and the bubble in technology stocks that burst in 2000. This "credit crunch" may, I believe, be an equally important turning point for financial markets and the world economy. Why do I believe this? Let me count the ways. weiter

Grow the Lillliputians

15. November 2007 12:54 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
We all know that today’s world is flat and that whatever happens in Wall Street, Shanghai or Bangalore instantaneously affects our lives. But hold on. The more researchers look into the issue, the more they find that geography and distance matter, and the more they discover that large segments of our economies are sheltered from foreign competition. weiter

Warum die Chinesen stärker mitreden sollten

23. Oktober 2007 19:30 Uhr
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Der Streit zwischen China und den G7-Staaten um die Wechselkurse wird schärfer. Grund genug, den Chinesen mehr Gewicht in internationalen Organisationen wie dem IWF zu geben. weiter

Christine Lagarde - Lessons of the current financial turbulence

08. Oktober 2007 21:23 Uhr

Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, in a joint open letter to the EU presidency, have underlined the crucial importance of financial stability for the competitiveness of the European economy. Drawing the first lessons from the current financial turbulence, they stressed the need to further encourage the transparency of markets and the responsibility of all actors, at the European and international levels.
