College Media Network
Barack Obama

FACETIOUS FEMINIST: A victory for hope

Yesterday, we the people of the United States, in order to choose a better future, elected an amazing fellow citizen to be the executive and leader of our great nation. We chose his message of hope and change. We made history. Full story

FACETIOUS FEMINIST: Breaking news: Our candidates are lying

If you’re getting sick and tired of election coverage, you can now breathe a sigh of relief. On Wednesday we witnessed the last presidential debate between Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain, the last great face-off until that fateful Tuesday next month. Full story

FACETIOUS FEMINIST: Faith in free speech

If you've read my columns before, you may be surprised that I'm actually on the churches' side on this one. I am an admitted atheist and oppose organized religion, in that I think religion is responsible for a great deal of our nation's problems and that one of the most adult and liberating decisions a person can make is to reject all religion. So why, given that, do I think churches should be allowed to endorse candidates and remain tax free organizations? Full story


FACETIOUS FEMINIST: Obama shows he 'gets it'

The first presidential debate took place last Friday, and Republican nominee Sen. John McCain and Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama confronted each other one-on-one for the first time. The topic of discussion was foreign policy, which as moderator Jim Lehrer pointed out, "by definition includes the current global financial crisis." Each candidate chose a different strategy to appeal to viewers, with Obama emphasizing their differences and his detailed knowledge, and McCain hitting hard on his experience and appealing emotionally with his use of stories. And despite my fervent support of Obama, I can safely say that neither candidate won the debate outright, if by "won" you mean "made significant headway that would sway those elusive swing voters and undecideds." McCain performed surprisingly well, considering that he's shorter and less eloquent than Obama, characteristics that spelled doom in past debates. He spoke very passionately, even if his eyes were glued to the moderator, avoiding his opponent, audience and camera. Full story

FACETIOUS FEMINIST: Same-sex marriage is about civil rights

If you’re a fair-minded person who’s also a churchgoer, odds are you’re finding yourself in a bind this November. This election includes statewide ballot initiative Proposition 8, which proposes an amendment to the constitution of California officially titled “Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry,” or, as those who proposed the measure want you to call it, the “California Marriage Protection Act.” The text of the proposal reads simply, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Full story

FACETIOUS FEMINIST: Choosing Sarah Palin is an insult to women

Saturday Night Live using Tina Fey’s impression of Gov. Sarah Palin, has been skewering the hypocrisy of the use of “sexism” and the subversion of “feminism” quite effectively lately. But what most people don’t seem to get is why feminists and women would be so against electing Palin as the first woman to national executive office. Full story