College Media Network

DANDY VERSATILE DISCS: I 'wanted' to believe

Scully and Mulder muddle through their second big screen ‘X-Files’ movie

What happens when a cult classic releases its second movie? It’s terrible when producers abandon all that made the show what it was. Full story

DANDY VERSATILE DISCS: It’s a robot, no, it’s a chicken, no — it’s funny

The Season 3 DVD of 'Robot Chicken' is hilariously absurd and worth renting

If you haven’t seen the rapid-fire, Attention Deficit Disorder inducing 12-minute frenzy that is “Robot Chicken,” you should reevaluate what you’re doing with your life. But before you begin the search to find out where your life went wrong, you should know that it’s a stop-and-go animation show that uses action figures, dolls and claymation to make satirical comedy sketches that are almost as funny as they are completely random Full story