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Talk to America

Talk 2 America, T2A, is the Voice of America's on-line chat discussion with prominent personalities who are making our world better.

undefinedOur Next Chat:

10 December at 1800 UTC: Conflict Zone Humanitarian Aid

ICRC_At 1800 UTC, we examine armed conflicts and their devastating affects on millions of people worldwide. In recent years, the International Committee of the Red Cross has responded to a growing variety of crisis situations. In 2009, the organization expects to help people affected by armed conflict in some 80 countries. Sudan remains the ICRC's largest humanitarian operation.

undefinedOur Most Recent Chat:

03 December at 1800 UTC: Presidential Transition

160_US_Presidential_sealAt 1800 UTC,we learn about the Bush-Obama Presidential transition and executive power, from political expert Larry Sabato. The new President faces daunting challenges as he inherits economic crisis and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Political expert Larry Sabato explains the transition process and expectations of the Obama Administration, including his options on wartime executive power.

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