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DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the Solaris Operating Environment. DTrace provides a powerful infrastructure to permit administrators, developers, and service personnel to concisely answer arbitrary questions about the behavior of the operating system and user programs.

Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide (wiki)
The Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide has been converted into wiki format. Contributions are welcome. Here's the list of doc bugs.
The Solaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) Guide (
This hefty guide describes how to use DTrace to observe, debug and tune system behavior. The book also includes a complete reference for bundled DTrace observability tools and the D programming language.

You can also check out the OpenSolaris Documentation Consolidation (Docs) Download Center which has downloadable source to the 'Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide' and others.

DTrace Engineer Blogs

DTrace Training Information
DTrace Information and Resources
* - Third Party Resource (will leave