College Media Network

FEELING TRUTH AT YOU: Recycle, not recession

The global recession of the last few months is starting to effect businesses most people wouldn’t think of as sensitive to market forces. Now, sadly, the recession has crept into recycling bins across the globe. This was one area of the economy that some hoped was recession proof, but the piling of trash at landfills and the near halt of recycling have proven otherwise. Full story

FEELING TRUTH AT YOU: Testing kids' genes for athleticism is wrong

The 2008 Olympic Games left athleticism on the minds of many young people around the world. Many kids look up to Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt as role models and want to be just like them. Full story


FEELING TRUTH AT YOU: Campaign reflects desire to leave Iraq

We’ve been told the United States has been waging a war in Iraq since 2003 for a variety of reasons, but we were mainly given two. First, to find those hated and overplayed acronymic weapons of mass destruction and second, to neutralize Saddam Hussein, who was systematically slaughtering his own people and ruthlessly oppressing Iraqi Shiites and Kurds. Both of these objectives, in one way or another, have been accomplished. With the rationale for occupation long gone, it has become apparent that we have been in the Middle East for too long. And now, there’s an Internet campaign to prove it. Full story

FEELING TRUTH AT YOU: The grip tightens on education

All of our lives, we’ve been told that we need to go to college, either because it makes you a “more well-rounded person” or helps you “make more money.” So imagine the horror when, through no fault of their own, many high school graduates either can’t get into colleges because there is no room, or current students have their ongoing college education funds axed. It seems that cutting funding for the California State University system, one of the sources for restabilizing the economy, is in vogue, which makes absolutely no sense. Full story

FEELING TRUTH AT YOU: Congress shamefully scalping Obama tickets

If you think our economy is going through some difficulties, you’re only looking at little things such as the housing or the financial sector. Clearly, you’re not looking at the sector that contains tickets to President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration ceremony, because that portion of the economy is doing outrageously well. Full story