'''Ed Doolan''' is a British radio presenter who fronts a show, beginning at 10:00 until 13:00 on BBC_Radio_WM. He started out in forces radio and moved to BRMB, then WM in 1982. He is also a writer and a TV presenter who has featured on news programme BBC Midlands_Today and written a regular column for the Birmingham_Mail. Ed, lovingly known by some colleagues as "Winnie" (his full name is Edwyn), has a huge collection of his past shows on cassette, reel to reel and CD. In the 90s Ed presented live and local TV talk show Central_Weekend_Live. Sadly this was a brief outing on television as it was quickly realised that radio was his true passion - and indeed forte. Famous people Ed has interviewed include: Telly_Savalas, Rolf_Harris (mainly a phone guest), Ned Sherrin, Leonard_Nimoy (from his BRMB days), Slim Dusty (deceased), Jim Davidson (live studio guest), Ian Smith (Harold from Neighbours), Princess Anne, and all the West Midland mayors since 1982. Ed is famous for his live broadcasts from UK and abroad. Notable programmes have come from Australia, Tokyo, The world's oldest radio station in Pittsburgh and Birmingham Town Hall. Battling against technical difficulties his shows would from time to time drop off the air but Ed always prides himself on finishing his show on time wherever he is broadcasting from. The latest example is the live show from Weston Super Mare for his 65th birthday. ==Brother George== Brother George was a character on Ed's show in the 90s. Ed would talk to his "brother" George "live" from Australia on the phone. There was some speculation on the true identity of brother George as Ed only has a sister. ==Dove Award== Ed gives Dove Awards to people or companies who have done good things. He plays the sound of doves cooing. ==Turkey award== Ed gives Turkey Awards to people or companies who have done bad things. He plays the sound of turkeys gobbling. ==Handbag== Ed carries a handbag around. If something in it bleeps it is usually time to make his way around to the studio for his show. ==Newspaper Review== Ed was famous for his newspaper reviews on Sunday morning. Without pre-reading any newspaper before the show, he would do his best to say what was on the front cover of whatever newspaper made it into the studio. The newspaper review often took longer than expected. ==External links== * BBC Radio WM {{BBC-stub}} Doolan, Ed Doolan, Ed Doolan, Ed