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Jonathan Wright (Programmer) 06-24-1997

Daikatana Cabana Exactly what kind of programming are you doing for Daikatana? Are you strictly AI or have you been doing other things as well?
Nelno I'm doing almost all of the DLL code at this point, except for weapons with which Noel has helped quite a bit. Basically, this includes just about everything that will make Daikatana's gameplay unique, from AI to powerups. I've also made some changes to the physics engine that were necessary for new effects and AI, but Shawn and Kee do most of the modifications to the engine.

Daikatana Cabana What can you tell us about the AI for the computer-controlled sidekicks Mikiko and Superfly? I notice the Zeus bot will stick to you like a magnet if there are no bad guys around. Will Mikiko and Superfly be able to explore a level on their own without help?
Nelno Superfly and Mikiko will be able to explore levels without any help, after all, the Zeus bot roams levels quite well by itself in deathmatch mode. We intend for Mikiko and Superfly to appear very human-like in their actions and movements, which will be my greatest challenge.

Daikatana Cabana With three characters all going for the same weapons, ammunition and artifacts things might get a little tight. For example, say Superfly grabs the rocket launcher I had my eyes on, or Mikiko runs around collecting all the ammo for a gun I'm low on. In single-player mode will we be able to specify something like +deathmatch2 or +deathmatch3 where the weapons stay and items respawn.
Nelno No. Superfly and Mikiko will know when to take a weapon and when not to, and they will give the player a chance to get ammo and health first. This will be further refined once we have the majority of gameplay elements in.

Daikatana Cabana Will players be able to deathmatch against the Mikiko and Superfly bots on a single machine?
Nelno Well, if we do, it will be the most wicked bot ever due to all of the AI improvements in Daikatana.

Daikatana Cabana Will "ducking" be implemented in Daikatana?
Nelno This is planned, but it's not there yet. Pretty easy to implement, I just haven't bothered yet.

Daikatana Cabana Will Daikatana have a "use" key?
Nelno It already does.

Daikatana Cabana OpenGL and 3Dfx has been getting all the press lately but will Rendition Verite based boards be actively supported in Daikatana? Will VKatana also use 8-bit color like VQuake?
Nelno If Rendition sends us the hardware, we will do our best to support a Verite specific version, but they've not expressed any interest to us. However, by the time Daikatana is released, Verite should have OpenGL drivers for all their boards. OpenGL is where it is at. Don't buy a board without OGL drivers or you will be left behind.

Daikatana Cabana Do you have any favorite games besides Quake at the moment?
Nelno Current games? Diablo was the last game I really liked on the PC. I'm waiting to play Ultima Online, though my beta CD hasn't shown up yet and, damnit, I sent in my $2 the first day. Other than that, anything Ultima.

Daikatana Cabana If you had to give just one reason why Daikatana is going to rock harder than anything else, what would that reason be?
Nelno Content.
Daikatana Cabana What's your favorite C/C++ keyword and why? Mine's "#include". I like it because it's like king of keywords.

(Ed. My own answer portion of this question has been altered slightly from what Nelno saw because I thought of a way to make it funnier. Ya, it's supposed to be a joke. Don't even think about emailing to tell me #include is a preprocessor directive because I already know. It's part of the joke. Get it?)

Nelno I have no idea. I've never thought about it. "If" is pretty cool, though. And they aren't really keywords, but += and it's variations are pretty handy. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | ModCenter | GameSpy Technology
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