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S E R V E R O P   F A Q

Chapter I: Introduction

  1.     What are the minimum requirements for a Daikatana Server?
  2.     Why should I host a dedicated server?
  3.     Can I host a dedicated server and still _____?
  4.     How do you set up a dedicated server?
  5.     Can I create a shortcut on the desktop that starts the server?
  6.     How can I list my server with the master server?
  7.     Why would I want to list my server with a master server?
  8.     What are some options I can enable/disable on the server?
  9.     How about you just give me a simple command line to set up my own server?
  10.     What is a .cfg file?
  11.     Can I use a .cfg file in Daikatana?
  12.     How do I control a Daikatana server remotely?


Chapter I: Introduction

1.    What are the minimum requirements for a Daikatana Server? reccomends a 300mhz machine or better to get the most out of your single-player Daikatana experience. We reccomend using a server in that ballpark range as well. I run a server on an Athlon700/128mb running on a T1. A cable modem should do the trick, as long as your service provider has not limited the amount of bandwidth is available to you on downstream (you can leech files, but set up an mp3 server, and your users get 2-8k/sec). Also, on cable modems, check with your service provider to make sure that hosting a game server is not a violation of their Terms of Service.

2.    Why should I host a dedicated server?

Why not? If you've got the bandwidth, and you've got the machine that can handle it, you should most definitely host yourself a server. It's a win/win situation. The community wins because there is another place to play Daikatana online, and you win with the ladies, since no fine woman can resist a pick-up line like, "Hey...did I mention I run my own Daikatana dedicated server? Wanna see?"

3.    Can I host a dedicated server and still _____?

Surf the web?
Check my email?
Play Minesweeper?
Edit an Office Document?
Goof around in Photoshop?
Pretty much, Yes. The only things I'd avoid while running a dedicated server would be:

Streaming video (sucks bandwidth which the game could use)
Memory/processor/hard drive intensive utilities.
No defragging while others are playing.
Playing Daikatana on the same machine while the dedicated server is up.

4.    How do you set up a dedicated server?

One easy way to do this is to browse to where the program DAIKATANA.EXE is, and run it from there like this:

D:\Games\Daikatana\DAIKATANA.EXE -dedicated [options here, see below]

Further down the list you'll find a list of common options that you can set for your server, along with a brief description of each option, and some examples.

5.    Can I create a shortcut on the desktop that starts the server?

Sure you can! First, create a shortcut to Daikatana on your desktop. Then Right-Click the icon, and select Properties. Now, in both Windows98 and NT, you will see a text-box named 'Target' with the path to DAIKATANA.EXE in there. Sometimes, the path and the executable will be enclosed in quotation marks. Just add your server options (below) to the end of that line. If the target is in quotation marks, add your options AFTER the quotes, like so:

Target: C:\games\daikatana\DAIKATANA.EXE -dedicated +set dm_same_map 0
Target: "C:\Program Files\Daikatana Demo\DAIKATANA.EXE" -dedicated etc.

6.    How can I list my server with the master server?

Run DAIKATANA.EXE with the +set public 1 option.

7.    Why would I want to list my server with a master server?

If you do not set public to 1, you are running a private server, only joinable via someone entering in your IP address. Setting 'public' to 1 will alert the master server that you are running a game, what kind of game, etc. Others will be able to see your server via GameSpy, or through the embedded server browser in Daikatana.

8.    What are some options I can enable/disable on the server?

This is far from being the canonical list of server flags. These are enough to get you up and running, though. A full list of flags is in the file current.cfg.

  • map
    Set starting map, such as E1DM1.

      This list includes the Map Pack maps, and makes no distinction about which maps shipped with the game and which are part of the pack. Format is mapfilename, gametype, episode-mapname.
    • e1dm1, deathmatch, E1-Gibbler on the Roof
    • e1dm1a, deathmatch, E1-Gibbler (Original)
    • e1dm2, deathmatch, E1-Storm Sector 7
    • e1dm2a, deathmatch, E1-SS7 (Original)
    • e1m1b, deathmatch, E1-Marsh Part Deux
    • e1m3b, deathmatch, E1-Solitary Beatings
    • e1dm3, deathmatch, E1-Medieval Future
    • q1dm3, deathmatch, E1-Abandoned Base
    • e2dm1, deathmatch, E2-Trials of Olympus
    • e2dm2, deathmatch, E2-Decay of Heroes
    • e2m2a, deathmatch, E2-Catacomb Carnage
    • e2dm3, deathmatch, E2-Acropolis Arena
    • e2dm4, deathmatch, E2-Gladiator
    • e2dm5, deathmatch, E2-Circe of Death
    • e2dm6, deathmatch, E2-Wrath of Ares
    • e3dm1, deathmatch, E3-Wizard's Roost
    • e3dm2, deathmatch, E3-Shallow Grave
    • e3m1c, deathmatch, E3-Plague Poundings
    • e3dm3, deathmatch, E3-Forsaken Outpost
    • e3dm4, deathmatch, E3-Hellkeep
    • e3dm5, deathmatch, E3-Bloodkeep
    • e4dm1, deathmatch, E4-The Dojo
    • e4dm2, deathmatch, E4-Hard Lesson
    • e4m5a, deathmatch, E4-Hideout
    • slicedm1, deathmatch,Slice N' Dice
    • e1ctf1, ctf, E1-CTF Gibbler
    • e2ctf1, ctf, E2-Intolerance
    • e2ctf2, ctf, E2-Olympus CTF
    • e3ctf1, ctf, E3-The Place
    • e3ctf2, ctf, E3-The Outlands
    • e4ctf1, ctf, E4-Mirror Image
    • e1dt1, deathtag, E1-Hellish Havens
  • set hostname _____
    Sets your hostname to whatever you want it to be. If your hostname contains spaces, be sure to enclose it in quotation marks.
  • set dedicated
    Setting this to 1 runs Daikatana as a dedicated server
  • set dm_use_skill_system
    Set to 1 as default. Setting this to 0 should disable the skill system (ie, no more levelling up your stats)
  • set dm_item_respawn
    1 by default. Set to 0 and items will not respawn
  • set dm_footsteps
    1 by default. Set to 0 to turn off footstep sounds
  • set maxclients
    Number of clients allowed to play
  • set fraglimit
    First person to reach set fraglimit wins.
  • set dm_friendly_fire
    Turn on/off friendly fire. 0 by default.
  • set dm_teamplay
    Team Deathmatch. 0 by default
  • set dm_allow armor
    Enable/disable armor powerup. 1 by default
  • set dm_allow_health
    Enable/disable health in levels. 1 by default
  • set dm_allow powerups
    Enable/disable runes in levels. 1 by default
  • set dm_falling_damage
    Enable/disable falling damage. 1 by default
  • set dm_force_respawn
    Force player to spawn, instead of player having to click in. 0 by default
  • set dm_same_map
    Force server to play same map again and again. 0 by default
  • set dm_spawn farthest
    Player spawns farthest from other players. 0 by default
  • set dm_weapons_stay
    0 by default. If set to 1, weapon stays where it is. You pick it up, use the ammo, then must find more ammo, or forget about using it again.
  • set dm_skill_level
    0 by default. I suppose this would set either the max skill level a player can attain, or set the default skill level for all players. Haven't been able to get this one to work.

9.    How about you just give me a simple command line to set up my own server?

Oh, you don't want to take the time to make your own server config, eh? Well, here is the one I use: C:\games\DAIKATANA.EXE +set console 1 -dedicated +set public 1 +set dm_same_map 0 +set fraglimit 30 +set hostname DaikaHooHah +set maxclients 10 +map E1DM1

This sets us up for a 10 player game that starts off on Gibbler, where the first person to 30 frags wins. The map then cycles on to the next map. (Note: Please don't use the servername DaikaHooHah. Why in Gwog's name would you want to, anyway?)

10.    What is a .cfg file?

Historically, one could create a single file containing all of the server options. This aided the server admin in that their command line for Daikatana was not longer than their own arm. Think of it like a DOS batch file.

With Quake2, one could call C:\games\Quake2.exe +exec SERVER.cfg. The file SERVER.cfg would contain all of the server flags and their settings, one for each line.

11.    Can I use a .cfg file in Daikatana?

Sure, why not? Don't ask me how, though. I haven't yet delved into that. The FAQ will be updated with that information as soon as I have some to share.

12.    How do I control a Daikatana server remotely?

(By Bloodstain) So, you have a server up and running.... Wouldn't it be nice if you could control it remotely from inside DK?? You can!! My server sits about 7 miles away from my house. Physically sitting in front of the console is not possible. Enter the "rcon" command.

(If you haven't done so already, you should REALLY have a server.cfg, as mentioned previously. You can have different cfg files that do different things. Say you want to run a Team DM without falling damage?? Edit your existing cfg, and save it as a different name, indicating what type of game it is. This way you will only have to run a different cfg rather then restarting the server. )

There are a couple of steps to setting up rcon. First, is to set the password for rcon sessions. In ALL of you server cfg files, add the line:

rcon_password [password]

Remove the []'s and choose a unique password. You wouldn't want people getting into your server and screwing with your players :)

Now that you have set the password on the server, you can now issue server commands from the DK's console. To access the console, you must launch daikatana.exe with +set console 1 on the command line. This will allow you to access the console by pressing the "~" key.

Sending console commands is very simple with rcon. The first time you send commands, you need to include the rcon password with your command.

rcon [password] status

This sends the "Status" console command to the server. If your rcon password is correct, you should see the status of your server in the DK console. Once you issue a successful rcon command you do not need to send the password again, during that session. So if you wanted to check the status again, you would enter:

rcon status

What if you have different servers you need to admin remotely?? Not a problem. You can specify which server to send your commands to by using the rcon_address command. In you client's console type"

rcon_address [address]

You will now be able to admin the other server(s).

Here are some other commands that were left out of the previous list.

status - This is used on server consoles to see who is on your server, what their pings are, their scores, what map is being played, and what their userid is (more on that in a minute). Just type "status" (without the ") to see. (This can be issued using the rcon command)

kick - This useful command will "kick" a user off of the server. To kick a person, you will need to know the userid the server has assigned to the player. You can get this info by issuing a "status" command. The userid is a number, not the players name. Find the userid and type the following:

kick [userid] | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | ModCenter | GameSpy Technology
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