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November Daikatana Artiste Chat
"From 11/18/99"

[Celt] sacc is an artist.
[Unreal] what did you do in the game Sacc that I would've seen? *** soreal has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[Umu] Hey Sacc, what type of art do you do for DK?
[ION_Sacc] Back in Pittsburgh I worked at a small development house, Warwind, Warwind 2, Sanitarium, TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter, Anvil of Dawn, Chronomaster... Ive been around for about 5 yrs.
[Unreal] what did you do n DK man?
[Celt] oh my god.. you made one of those hunting games?
[Celt] where you hunt deer?
[Unreal] TNN......that sucked ASS *** grace has joined #ION
[grace] 2prong
[grace] 2prong2prong2prong2prong2prong2prong
[Unreal] shut up grace
[grace] hmmm
[ION_Sacc] Misc Skins, Creature Attack effects, Weapon effects, misc Models... pretty well aiding anyway I can to get this baby out... I started about 10 months ago
[Unreal] I heard John fired all the artists........I guess that's not true?
[Celt] he had them hung.
[Unreal] retard
[Celt] as an example.
[grace] they had to be hung?
[grace] to work there?
[Umu] I heard he fired most of the level designers at one point
[ION_Sacc] Celt... hey... The Hunting Game was an opportunity for my to Associate Produce soooooo I gave it a shot and got that baby on the shelf in 6 months.
[Unreal] ALL artists are HUNG
[Celt] yes, they had to be well hung, for johns requirements
[grace] hehe
[grace] 2prong
[grace] 2prong2prong2prong
[Unreal] shut up grace
[grace] hmmm
[Celt] Ion_SacC: did you enjoy playing that game?
[ION_Sacc] But... I got a craving to render some COOL stuff for john's game and here I am *** 2prong changes topic to 'Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. This Chat is moderated, please send all questio' *** 2prong sets mode: +m *** 2prong sets mode: +o Martini *** 2prong sets mode: +o ION_Sacc
[ION_Sacc] Hunter...... Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... It was a great game for what it was... a hunting sim... it used the Unreal Engine
[2prong] Please send all questions to 2prong..
[Martini] Hello all,,,
[2prong] Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. This Chat is moderated, please send all questions to 2prong
[2prong] first question..
[PT] Have the artists put any
[2prong] funky easter eggs into the game, like
[2prong] in Doom2?
[2prong] (Romero's-head-on-a-stick!
[2prong] Romero's-head-on-a-stiiiiiiiick!) *** muaddib has joined #ION *** Nazgul has joined #ION
[PT] Have the artists put any
[2prong] funky easter eggs into the game, like
[2prong] in Doom2?
[2prong] (Romero's-head-on-a-stick!
[2prong] Romero's-head-on-a-stiiiiiiiick!) *** Ratfink has joined #ION
[2prong] Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. This Chat is moderated, please send all
[2prong] questions to 2prong *** 2prong sets mode: +o Nazgul *** 2prong sets mode: +o muaddib
[muaddib] hello
[muaddib] I"m in BABY!
[ION_Sacc] Woah I know *** Log4PDK has quit IRC (WinSock error 10053: Software caused connection abort)
[2prong] anyone like that first question?
[muaddib] Easter Eggs....?
[Martini] There are Easter eggs in Doom?
[muaddib] No Easter Egg art has been created that I know of. There are a few..lets say audio.....maychapes *** Malekyth has joined #ION
[2prong] questions to 2prong
[2prong] Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. This Chat is moderated, please send all
[2prong] questions to 2prong
[2prong] next question.
[Umu] What's the
[2prong] difference between the
[2prong] .WAL textures used in
[2prong] Daikatana compared to
[2prong] Quake 2? I tried viewing
[2prong] them in Wally but for some
[2prong] reason *** Unreal has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[Martini] due you have this one muaddib?
[muaddib] I'm not sure I know the specifics of Q2 wal files. Our "wal" files as they pertain to skins are 256 color BMP's Each monster has it's own pallette *** Nazgul has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 ) *** Malekyth has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[muaddib] Any more info on that WAL question?
[muaddib] "skins" or level textures...
[Martini] Our wal. files have there own palettes Each level has its own color palette
[Celt] Gollywog wanted to
[2prong] ask wether you will you be
[2prong] releasing a model importing
[2prong] tool or something. *** sinDizzy has joined #ION
[Martini] Muaddib its all you..
[muaddib] The tools we use to create models with are as follows. Lightwave 5.5 or higher, and UView for the texture mapping data. We then convert it into a DK dkm file with our own complie tool. I'm not sure if we will be releasing dkdata (the compiling tool) or not. As for lightwave and UView..they are both comerical products that can be purchased. *** HOMEY_J has joined #ION *** RonJeremy has joined #ION *** 2prong changes topic to 'Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. Please send all questions to 2prong.'
[2prong] next question.
[PT] What % complete are: a)
[2prong] model skins b) level textures c)
[2prong] misc art? *** HOMEY_J has quit IRC (WinSock error 10053: Software caused connection abort)
[ION_Sacc] 99%
[muaddib] What does taht mean?
[muaddib] 4WHAT?
[muaddib] %what?
[muaddib] Ohh....
[ION_Sacc] Art is ready to ROLL
[muaddib] Model skins 99% Level Textures, only a few custom CTF ones remain, Misc art....mostle cinematics remain
[Martini] next question *** Grief has joined #ION *** HOMEY has joined #ION
[muaddib] Shut up Martini..hahahaaha
[Martini] lol
[muaddib] (*)
[2prong] next..
[rehyps] are there any models
[2prong] that show cleavage?
[2prong] heh
[muaddib] YES
[ION_Sacc] Superfly
[Martini] How many artist does it take to screw in a light bulb?
[muaddib] We had to put little nipple covers over teh nips
[muaddib] Medusa has full on NIP........
[Martini] :) *** Grief has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[2prong] mmm..snake nip.. *** Grief has joined #ION *** Celt is now known as nipples *** Grief has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 ) *** nipples is now known as Celt
[2prong] next..
[grace] ask them if the build any of the
[2prong] art for this game with an eye to the
[2prong] future... other consoles or story lines? if
[2prong] so, what are they doing?
[muaddib] She has nice boobs but she is ugly as sin in the face what with the cobra head and all. Tro' a bag on and hit it.
[ION_Sacc] Trow
[muaddib] Eye to the future..... *** grace was kicked by 2prong (| TeMPTaTioN |)
[muaddib] bya
[ION_Sacc] Do you mean DK on other systems or am I thinking about buying a house next year
[muaddib] Trow a bag o' nuts up in de' izzouse mit' a bit o' bold stamp *** bubba has joined #ION
[muaddib] this blows..can elaborate on their original question? *** RonJeremy has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[2prong]'s a good one..
[Umu] Will texture creation be
[2prong] relatively easy for artists, by this I mean
[2prong] can
[Umu] they more or less make them
[2prong] like you would a Quake 2 texture, or will
[2prong] needed to convert them to your WAL
[2prong] format, adding an extra step to the
[2prong] process (similar to how Heretic II used
[2prong] .M8 files that needed to be converted
[2prong] from WAL format using qdata)?
[Umu] there be some sort of utility
[muaddib] If we release dkdata all you will need are the creation tools, and will have to convert to wal files. *** jcal has joined #ION *** 2prong changes topic to 'Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. Please send all questions to 2prong'
[Celt] i'd like to ask what
[2prong] advice they could give a
[2prong] student wanting to go into 3d
[2prong] computer animation and
[2prong] games
[muaddib] Get your own computer ASAP and bust ass. Look at good stuff and try to be better. And here is an animation tip I heard somewhere. Always look at your animations backwards.....timing errors and movment messups are easier to see.
[ION_Sacc] I firmly believe in a STRONG traditional art background..strongly. Many 3 D programs are tools that can be learned. To be truly BAD ASS you should first be able to DRAW some impressive goods
[ION_Sacc] Reference Reference Reference... Pay attention to how things move and how weight effects things
[muaddib] Liek Sacc said.....Traditional art is a must if you want to do everything..and be good at it. And IMP Taste counts for a lot. If you have bad taste everythign you do will stink.
[ION_Sacc] Indeed
[muaddib] Sacc....take your own advice.......
[muaddib] heheheeh
[Celt] whats IMP?
[muaddib] IMO sorry..hehe *** PT has quit IRC (Leaving)
[2prong] next one is from Ratfink..
[muaddib] BRING IT
[Ratfink] I am not sure if this is approite
[2prong] because I am kinda new to this type of
[2prong] thing but is there going to be the option to
[2prong] edit player skins *** Emerald has joined #ION
[ION_Sacc] Pern edited enough of mine *** bubba has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[muaddib] Again.....if we release the compile tool then you should be able to. *** 2prong changes topic to 'Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. Please send all questions to 2prong.'
[muaddib] HI
[Martini] hi
[Celt] what are the factors
[2prong] affecting whether you
[2prong] release the dkdata compile
[2prong] stuff?
[ION_Sacc] Pern is shy so he is not here... he is giggling like an insane 2 year old under his desk until this is done
[muaddib] I'm not sure..... *** Celt is now known as Nipples *** Nipples is now known as Celt
[ION_Sacc] Ssssssssssssssssssssssit Celt... we all like nipples ddute!!!! *** Celt is now known as Cool *** Cool is now known as Ican
[muaddib] NEXT QUESTION..hehe
[ION_Sacc] Good questions *** Ican is now known as comun
[2prong] Chat is moderated..please send all questions to me! *** comun is now known as icate
[Martini] ok all i just talked to john R and yes all of the compileing suff and dkdata will be with the game...
[ION_Sacc] Mauddib... did you get F^&*%$%%$'ed up last night *** icate has quit IRC (Leaving)
[2prong] next one...this one is intense!
[rehyps] do artists get hot wives?
[muaddib] My wife is hot. Sacc wife is Martini
[muaddib] Saccs
[Martini] One night stands are a common for me..
[muaddib] with men
[ION_Sacc] I get MANY hot wives during the week!!! This office works wonders for my member
[muaddib] Mit' a bit o' nipple shirt the bearded ladies come in full force
[Martini] ok next question
[muaddib] mit' o'
[muaddib] ddute
[ION_Sacc] Martini has been with one stinky chic since he been in Dallas... believe me she smells like Spam mit a bit O' cardboard
[muaddib] ahahahahaah
[2prong] Chat is moderated..please send all questions to 2prong!
[Martini] Lets no talk about bologna... *** jcal has quit IRC (Leaving)
[muaddib] hehe
[Martini] Come on 2prong get with it...
[2prong] let's get some questions!
[rehyps] what is the meaning of life?
[muaddib] Ask us anything...we will answer any question you have in the entire world. Politics, current name i
[ION_Sacc] Who knows what toilet grippers are?
[ION_Sacc] Hurry
[muaddib] ASS CHEEKS
[ION_Sacc] ASSCHEEKS big ONES *** 2prong changes topic to 'Welcome to the Daikatana Art Chat. It's not moderated anymore!!'
[ION_Sacc] Maychapes... what does that mean *** 2prong sets mode: -m
[muaddib] Maybee perhaps
[rehyps] sawwwwp
[rehyps] sawwwwwwwp
[Martini] hello all
[Ratfink] What would be
[2prong] the best craphics card to suit
[2prong] the engine or art (whatever
[2prong] the right term is) for optimum
[2prong] performance
[rehyps] do you guys get hard drawing the hot chics of daikatana?
[Martini] tnt2
[ION_Sacc] Martini is sitting in his cube holding his Darth Maul doll with no pants obn
[2prong] you did say anything..
[muaddib] Get a TNT....Voodoo makes everything look like crap.
[rehyps] i see
[rehyps] sounds like a blast
[Ratfink] so tnt2 what of Geforce
[ION_Sacc] I always enjoy drawing hot woman
[rehyps] of course, there will be a code to show some skin right? * rehyps nudge nudge
[muaddib] Geforce?
[Ratfink] new card coming from nVidia
[rehyps] code: you type in PHILL MCKRACKI
[rehyps] N
[rehyps] code: you type in PHILL MCKRACKIN
[Emerald] May I ask how I can record chat from this lobby?
[Martini] i would wait for the voodoo 4,5
[muaddib] DK will look best on a TNT.....Ihaven't seen it on the nVidia card, but I assume if it uses GL it will look good as well.
[rehyps] phil mckrakin
[rehyps] (fill my crack in)
[muaddib] REALLY
[rehyps] HI I"M BRIGHT
[ION_Sacc] Any game relevant questions... my HOT Latino honey is waiting?
[rehyps] you liar
[ION_Sacc] I mean Arabian.. blowup dolls don't count So..Emmit Smith is apparently going to start this weekend aginst the Cards......godo or bad idea guys.
[rehyps] are you yankin my chain sacc?
[ION_Sacc] STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[muaddib] crap *** 2prong has quit IRC (WinSock error 10053: Software caused connection abort)
[ION_Sacc] Not at all
[rehyps] FREE AT ALAST
[muaddib] MODERATOR GONE]]]]]]KICK ASS * rehyps = arab
[ION_Sacc] Indeed
[Martini] well all i have to go...
[Martini] bye
[muaddib] See you later Martini *** Martini has quit IRC (WinSock error 0 )
[muaddib] good riddance..hehe
[Emerald] May I ask if the rumor of Eidos buying out Ion Storm is true?
[rehyps] phil mckrakin!
[ION_Sacc] ?
[muaddib] Who is that? Eidos?
[rehyps] phil mckrakin!
[rehyps] phil mckrakin!
[rehyps] phil mckrakin!
[Emerald] No it's been on the gaming sites. :)
[muaddib] Hmm...I'll have to look into that......
[Ratfink] well i was supposed to be offline 8 minutes ago i would like thank you all for being such great sports and ansewering my questions no matter how stupid they were *** Sauce has joined #ION
[rehyps] is john r hooked up with a hot chic?
[Emerald] I didin't know if it was going to effect the progress of Daikatana if it was true.
[muaddib] NO PROBLEM
[ION_Sacc] Sure... I love stupid misc chat
[rehyps] do any chics dig his tight attire?
[ION_Sacc] Martini does
[rehyps] bwahahah!
[Sauce] who's one from ion storm?
[muaddib] I wouldn't call it "tight" hehe
[rehyps] super tight?
[rehyps] spandex?
[ION_Sacc] Ironed on
[rehyps] bwahahh
[ION_Sacc] ggod one
[muaddib] it is a semi solid....not like stone...more like butter
[Sauce] one = on
[rehyps] :)
[Umu] Any of you know how to talk using the Quake3 server console?
[rehyps] is killcreek a hotty in real life? * rehyps whacks umu
[ION_Sacc] She is an attractive gal
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