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Vista x64 and Internet Explorer

I received this email today: " I bought a 64 bit HP PC with Vista Home Premium and ie7 installed. When I was at a website to view something today it said I needed an Adobe plugin and directed me to Adobe. But Adobe said it did not have a 64 bit version...

Problem - unable to change Internet Explorer's home page

Another cry for help received via email... " You are my last best hope... I am just a regular guy from NY (not the city) with a problem. My homepage in IE7 is locked on a page I dont want. I try to change it in Internet options and it even says the...

Problems with website certificates - IE7

Over the past few days I have seen a spike in the number of emails asking for help with website certificates. For example, two correspondents have written: " Thanks for providing the information about problems with certificates of IE7 in your website...

Google Desktop causing problems

Here is today's email question: "Dear Sandi, I would really appreciate your help. I've been trying for ages to find out what is wrong with my IE7 but there doesn't seem to be anything useful on the internet that I can find... Whenever...

Can you help? ie-vista reader asks for help with Flash buttons

I received this email overnight; it says: "I have been working on a website for a small company in the Isle of Skye, The website i have been working on is online but when viewing it in IE7, the sound files that are all on one page (4 of them, mp3's...

Unable to create Internet Explorer 7: Unspecified Error

Today's email question is: "I wonder if you can help me. When I try to save a web address in my Favorites in IE7 I get the error "Unable to create 'Internet Explorer 7': Unspecified Error". I'm using Vista Ultimate and not...

Can you help answer this question?

A reader asks: "Have you ever seen IEMB3 in a user agent string? Any idea what it stands for?" As much as I'd love to say I'm omnipotent and know the answer, sadly, this question has me stumped. Yes, I know, many of you are going to...

Interactive services dialogue detection error in vista

Tonight's email says: "I realise you must be very busy however I have a message that continually arrives on my desktop every thirty seconds! I have no idea what to do and was hoping there was a simple fix? Because I am hoping there is a simple...

Your questions answered: Being charged for support calls

I received an email today that says: "I have an issue that occurred once I upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 on my computer running Windows XP Media Center Edition. For some reason, I can no longer change the icon for any of my IE shortcuts that I...

Your questions answered: Smartbridge Alerts problem when using IE7

How can I not answer the following plea for help? "how do i get rid of smartbridge alerts , please it is driving me crackers." I assume that the error the writer is complaining about is very similar, if not identical, to this: "SMARTBRIDGE...

Your questions answered: IE7 crashes when a window is closed

I received this email today: "I use Vista. Each time I close an I.E. window I get a message that IE has stopped working and, eventually IE restarts when I want it closed, Can you help?" If I were a betting person I'd put my money on an add...

Blocking access to web sites (young children)

I received these emails from a reader: Email one: "I have three small children who are getting more familiar with the web. I would like to restrict access to YouTube. I tried using the "restricted sites" section in ie by adding the address...
Posted by sandi | 2 comment(s)

Today's question - running IE6 and IE7 on the same machine

I received an email today that asked: "Does MS have a method to run IE6 and IE7 on the same machine?" There are a few hacks out there that purport to allow you to run IE6 and IE7 on the same machine, but they are just what I describe - hacks...

Fix: display issue affecting IE7 and autoselect

I received the following email from a reader: "I had an interesting email a few days ago from an IE7 user. He visited to find most of the text on the Home Page surrounded by “b’s”. I don’t own the site however; my wife is involved...

Your questions answered: sourcing hotfixes

The question is: "I am currently using IE7 in Vista. Clean install. However, I keep running into issue KB 936904 and it is very frustrating. I checked the MS website ( ) for a downloadable patch...
Posted by sandi | 3 comment(s)

Microsoft Access ODBC drivers for Vista x64

What *did* I get myself in for when I decided to do this answering support emails via blog thing They say that variety is the spice of life but wow, talk about getting questions from all over the shop. Here is today's question - sent to me via www...

FIX: IE is stuck at the Runonce page and weird squares and circles on taskbar buttons

Today's email says: "I'm having trouble getting my home page ( to open up when I hit my explorer start up button. I get a strange "run once" reference up in my address bar. I end up having to type in to get the...

FIX: Can't access sites that use a password

This person has been in touch with me a couple of times but I've not been able to respond. "The problem is I am unable to access ANY websites that require a username and password. After I put in the username and password and hit enter - it just...

FIX: Unable to access particular web sites

This morning I received this email: "For the past two plus years, I have been able to access a website . For the past two weeks, I cannot access this website from my desktop computer (high speed internet). We also have a laptop...

FIX: Copy and past is not working.

I received a request for help via email yesterday. It said: "The PC @ my parish office has decided to mess up. Copy and Paste are not working. It all started last week on Friday – not sure why. AV is up to date. The Paste option is greyed out on...
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