Home Guests Guests of Honor: Andy Mangels
Guests of Honor: Andy Mangels PDF Print E-mail

Andy MangelsAndy Mangels is the USA Today best-selling author and co-author of over a dozen novels — including Star Trek, Roswell, and Star Wars books — and is an award-winning comic book anthology editor. He has also written several nonfiction books.

In addition to writing several more novels and contributing to international magazines and newspapers, Andy has scripted and directed a series of over forty half-hour DVD documentaries for BCI Eclipse and Genius Products, as well as producing other Special Features content including commentary tracks. DVD sets he's produced include: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra: Princess of Power, The Archies, The Legend of Prince Valiant, Flash Gordon, Ghostbusters, Zorro, The Lone Ranger, Groovie Goolies, Ark II, Journey Back to Oz, The Secrets of Isis, Jason of Star Command, and Defenders of the Earth, among a large number of other DVD titles!

Andy has also written licensed material based on properties by Lucasfilm, Paramount, New Line Cinema, Universal Studios, Warner Bros., Microsoft, Abrams-Gentile, and Platinum Studios. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers.

Over the last two decades, Andy's comic-book work has been seen from DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dark Horse, Wildstorm, Image, Innovation, WaRP Graphics, Topps, MVCreations, and others, and he was the editor of the award-winning Gay Comics anthology for eight years.

He has written hundreds of articles for entertainment and lifestyle magazines and newspapers in the United States, England, and Italy. He is a member of the prestigious film critic organization Far From Hollywood Film Society of Oregon

Andy is a national award-winning activist in the Gay community, and has raised thousands of dollars for charities over the years.

To find out more about Andy’s career and life, visit his website.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 February 2009 18:50