Discover Why Noam Chomsky says:

"CounterPunch is must reading."





Down the River With Putin

Bombing Big Sur

Jose Bove: a farmer for our time

Does Bush Consider Caribou Calving Online Porn?

How the Colorado River Was Dammed, Drained, Poisoned and Stolen

The Last Great Alaskan Oil Rush

The New Reality: Enviros, Fears and Cash

What Seattle Wrought

The Passing of the Archdruid

Food Central: How 3 Firms Have Come to Control the World's Food Supply

David Brower's Last Charge: Brower, the nation's foremost green, made a last run for the presidency of the Sierra Club, the group he nurtured into a national powerhouse in the 1960s and then fired him when he got "too radical".

Sierra Club Law Firm Linked to Polluters: Perkins Coie, a top Washington law firm, has been retained by the Sierra Club. Some of the firms other clients include, Monsanto, Weyerhaeuser, British Petroleum and Browing Ferris Industry.

Anne Ehrlich: The Sierra Club Board Member Backed by Chevron: Anne Ehrlich was recently elected to the board of the Sierra Club. But she didn't tell Club members that her project at Stanford receives money from some of the world's dirtiest and most vicious corporations, including Chevron and Freeport McMoRan.

Brower: "They Tried to Deny Me the Nobel Prize Three Times!": An extraordinary letter to the editors of CounterPunch from America's leading environmentalist, David Brower, describes the horrific treatment he has received by the old-guard leaders of the Sierra Club, the green group he built into a national powerhouse.

Chevron's Big Bang: CounterPunch goes behind the scenes of the massive explosion at Chevron's Richmond, California refinery.

Exxon's Deadly Legacy: Ten years after the Exxon Valdez crashed into Bligh Reef, Prince William Sound remains ecologically ravaged. But Exxon's profits continue to soar, even as it refuses to pay its $5 billion punitive damages fine to Native peoples and fishing fleets in Alaska.

Freedom to Drill: Why is Freedom House, the self-professed human rights group, and its board member, Zbigniew Brzezinski pushing for opening Azerbaijan to American oil companies? Hint: Zbig is being lavishly compensated by Amoco.

Hurricane Mitch: The truth about why this storm caused such death and destruction can be found in the actions of the US intelligence agencies, military to protect the vicious agricultural practices of American corporations in the region.

Killing Turtles, Selling Shrimp: Whole Foods bills itself as the nation's largest green grocery chain. But CounterPunch reveals it has ties to the Wise Use movement and sells shrimp who's capture may be deadly to rare sea turtles.

Who Bombed Judi Bari: It's been nearly 10 years since Earth First! organizer Judi Bari and her cohort Daryl Cherney were nearly killed when a bomb exploded in their car. The FBI and Oakland police immediately pointed the finger at Bari and Cherney. Now a Vassar college professor reveals new clues to who may have been behind the explosion.

The Coming of Enron: Enron is one of the most brash new energy corporations. It has ruthlessly capitalized on the growing trend toward deregulation of electric utilities, gobbling up Portland General Electric. Now, like a true corporate raider, the Houston-based firm is threatening to sell off PGE's most valuable assets.


Children In Banana Trees:
a photo exhibit by David Bacon

Bill Gates' Mugshot

How Much Harm Can Hoffa Do: Does the relection of Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. as president of the Teamsters spell the end of labor reform in this powerful union?

Return of Bracero: The Agriculture lobby goes to war on migrant workers. The push to scale make protection for farmhands is being led by Oregon's senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith.

How the Labor Dept. Aids Sweatshops: The Department of Labor and the Immigration and Naturalization Service are working together to target for expulsion labor organizers in sweatshops.

No Sweat?: The Clinton administration recently unveiled a No Sweat logo which is supposed to assure consumers that the product was not made using sweatshop labor. CounterPunch examines the program and finds it to be a corporate sham, largely developed by PR flacks at Nike.


What Set Off Ted K.?:
The Unabomber, the CIA & LSD

Is It the Next Guatemala?

TR, Clinton, Powell and Plan Colombia

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon

Depleted Uranium:
Cancer as Weapon

Pentagon Auctions
Off the White House

Edward Said:
Israel Sharpens Its Axe

Hitchens v. Kissinger

CounterPunch Special Report:
The Crimes of Bob Kerrey
by Douglas Valentine

Pearl Harbor Revisited

Kerrey the Throat Slitter

Kerrey and His Liberal Defenders

Shocked About Kerrey?You Shouldn't Be

The F-22 Fighter: Tiffany's On Wings

The Media and the Middle East: The Language of Revenge

Gary Webb on the CrackdownAgainst Narco News

Edward Said on Freud, Zionism and Censorship

The Hanssen Spy Case

Pinochet the Coward

W. Draws First Blood

Mr. Blair's Bombs

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon

Depleted Uranium: Cancer as Weapon

TR, Clinton, Powell and Plan Colombia

No Fault Journalism: The NYT Slimes Wen Ho Lee

Pentagon Auctions Off the White House

CNN and Psyops

Eugenics: the Impulse Never Dies

How the Pentagon Faked the Star Wars Tests

The IRA's Bum Rap

CIA Shrinks and LSD

Colombia: Is It the Next Guatemala?

What Set Off Ted K.?: The Unabomber, the CIA & LSD

The War Against Serbia: An archive of CounterPunch stories on NATO's war.

CIA Poisoner Dies: Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA's master chemist, died on March 10. During his tenure, Gottlieb performed the tasks of assassin, poisoner and pimp.

The Arms Pushers: Ken Silverstein exposes the revolving door of the Pentagon's top arms dealers.

The War on Rigoberta Minchu: Is the CIA behind the scurrilous attacks on Nobel Prizing-winning human rights activist Rigoberta Minchu?

The Incredible Flying Ice Cube: As a long-range bomber the B-2 isn't all its cracked up to be, but it might serve as a multi-billion dollar ice-making machine. CounterPunch quotes a senior Pentagon official who calls the entire program "a fiasco."

CIA, Contras and Cocaine: Since the mid-1980s, the CIA has been accused of tolerating drug-running by its allies and surrogates in Central America. Always, the charges have been dismissed as "damnable lies" by the Agency. Predictably, the mainstream intelligence reporters have taken the Agency's word for it. But now the truth is out in the CIA's own words. A new report by the CIA's own inspector general reveals that the Agency knew the leadership of the Contras planned to import cocaine into the US as early as the summer of 1991.

South Africa's Spy Tricks: Dope-dealing, mind control, torture. The dirty deeds of the security forces of South Africa during the apartheid era are now coming to light.

Germ War: The US Record: The US has bombed Sudan and Iraq using the pretext of biological warfare. Yet, the US's own record of developing and deploying germ agents is stark. CounterPunch lays out the unsavory history.

Spying on Americans: How the Anti-Defamation League teamed up with some Bay Area cops to snoop into the private lives and political activities of Americans who showed sympathy for the cause of Palestinians and anti-apartheid groups in South Africa.

All Calm in Kuwait: When bombing of Iraq seemed only hours away, all was calm in the US embassy in Kuwait. Though Iraq's fearsome weapons of mass destruction were the topic of every news bulletin, US ambassador to Kuwait, Jim Larocco, was nonchalant.


Condit and the Lie Detector

Bruce Babbitt:
Sleaze Cashes In

Fear and Torture:
Inside a Genoa Jail

Katharine Graham:
She Needed Fewer Friends

Scenes from the Drug War

Tariq Ali: What Blair's Victory Means for Britain's Left

Indian Affairs

The Jeffords Jump

Defunct Dems

Jesse Jackson and
the Movement

Hate Crime Follies

Curtains for Jeb Bush?

The Politics of Eminem

Ashcroft an Extremist?

Farewell Bill and HIll

Criminalizing Youth

CounterPunch Coverage
of Election 2000

South Carolina's Flag

Microradio and Michael Powell

China: Eating Crow, Eating Dog

The NYPD's War Against Blacks

Hate Crimes and Death Penalty

Guiliani's Latest Art Fit

The Politics of Eminem

Clinton Goes to Harlem

Ashcroft an Extremist?

Farewell Bill and HIll

Criminalizing Youth

CounterPunch Coverage of Election 2000

South Carolina's Flag

Attack on Micro-Radio

Beyond Left and Right

Crazed Cops or Fallen Heroes?

Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Lee Davis Execution Photos

Guns, the Left and the Constitution

The Hillary Syndrome

George W. Bush's Money Men: The 119 Pioneers

Driving While Black: Every day police across the country pull over black drivers based on racial profiles. The stops lack probable cause and often result in illegal searches and arrests. CounterPunch surveys the latest evidence from across the nation.

Drug Money: How the pharmaceutical industry profits off of AIDS.

Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church: The disturbing case of Father Jerry.

The Texas Death Machine: Being faced with a death sentence in Texas is bad news, especially if you are a black man. The state rushes to execute its death row inmates as quickly and ruthlessly as possible.

Tom Delay's South Seas Adventure: The House whip enjoys a congressional junket to the South Pacific, where he golfs, tans, dines and plots destruction.

Arkansas Bloodsuckers: During Bill Clinton's term as governor, the Arkansas prisons made money by selling tainted blood from inmates to international plasma dealers. Now thousands are dying around the world from AIDS and hepatitis.

The Racist Roots of the Drug War: Since its inception the so-called war on drugs has really been a war on black, hispanics and Asians. CounterPunch traces the history of the drug war back to the selective application of laws against opium-smoking targeted at Chinese laborers to imprisonment of Mexicans for smoking marijuana and appalling sentencing disparities for the smoking of crack cocaine, which lands thousands of young black men in jail every month.

Hitch the Snitch: What drove Chris Hitchens to rat on Sid Blumenthal?

Strom's Steamy Past: Sen. Strom Thurmond's sexual escapades make Bill Clinton look like a piker by comparison.

Nuclear Saviors: Global warming got you down? Here's something to make you feel worse. The nuclear industry says it's going to save the day--for a few billion more in federal subsidies.

The Capturing of Pacifica: How the Pacifica Board and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting conspired to corporatize the nation's leading progressive radio network.

Ten Who Do Good: CounterPunch rounds up ten of the best progressive groups in the country and tells why they do such a damn good job.




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