
Trinity Scarf

by Sarah Sumner-Eisenbraun

This scarf uses the stitch that is used in prayer shawls and Sheila's shawls--3x3 weave of knits and purls.

Yarn: Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Bulky(85% Wool, 15% Mohair) I skein Garnet, I skein Oatmeal.

Tapestry Needle
1 set US 11/8mm straight needles

CO 24 sts.
Row 1: [K3, P3] rep to end of row.
Rep Row 1 three times
Row 2: [P3, K3] rep to end of row.
Rep Row 2 three times.

Continue in this pattern until desired length, changing colors where desired. Bind off all stitches and weave in all loose ends.

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