Yossi Verter, Mazal Mualem, and Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondents: Livni offers Barak 'full partnership' in coalition
Title:to CJ Kohn - more on #51
City: Beer-ShevaState: Israel
"The invasion of Poland was a breach of treaty. Your idea that
if a totalitarian megalomaniacal regime wants to extend its hegemonistic interests, it will be stopped by [...] fear of force,
is quite false." (CJ Kohn)

First, what else, please tell me, can stop a totalitarian megalomaniacal regime, if not "fear of force"?
You lost me.

Second, when ordering the invasion of Poland, Hitler, en route
to Moscow, knew perfectly well,
most certainly so after Munich, Sep 1938,
that he needed not to fear any force - coming from the West.

But what all this -- a totalitarian megalomaniacal regime,
hegemonistic interests, the invasion of Poland -- has to do with
our disputing the West Bank to the stateless population
living there, through the settlement project we launched when
the Shah of Iran was our friend, and we maintained an ambassy
in Teheran?
I have not the slightest idea.