Knitting with Laura


««Apr 2005»»

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April 2005

Tuesday Night at the Movies

26 April 2005, Tuesday 10:48 P GMT-08
Thumbs up for The Interpreter.

New Home

15 April 2005, Friday 11:44 P GMT-08
We signed our lease, picked up our keys, and took a first look at our new home.  We were pretty pleased -- brand-new carpet and everything freshly painted.  Our DSL modem has already been delivered so we will be all set to get that up and running

Monday Night at the Movies

11 April 2005, Monday 11:59 P GMT-08
John and I went to see Sahara tonight.  It was fun -- a combo of Indiana Jones and James Bond crossed with Mel Fisher.  I have never read the novel it's based on (or any Clive Cussler) so I don't know how faithful it was to the book.  At any rate,

Moving Day Is Approaching

7 April 2005, Thursday 11:59 P GMT-08
Today I booked our movers, and I set up our phone and internet service to be turned on.  Now I must get back to packing -- oh, joy!

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

5 April 2005, Tuesday 11:59 P GMT-08
Last night I worked the base row of triangles on my entrelac pillow in the chenille.  This seemed to go fairly well.  It's really hard to say because the yarn is so fuzzy that if I screwed it up you'd never know.  Then I worked the first side tria

Casting On Entrelac Pillow

4 April 2005, Monday 10:34 P GMT-08
The swatching process is over, and I am about to cast on for my entrelac pillow.  The pattern called for size 10 and 10 1/2 needles and then gave gauge information for the smaller needle in stockinette stitch.  Since I acheived gauge (12 sts = 4&qu;

Saving Daylight

3 April 2005, Sunday 11:45 P GMT-08
I love the change to Daylight Savings Time so I was very happy to spring all our clocks forward this morning.  The days are already getting much longer, and then suddenly the evenings get an extra bonus hour of light.Today John and I ventured up to


2 April 2005, Saturday 11:52 P GMT-08
All the ends are woven in on Nick's sweater - yeah!  For awhile it seemed like two more appeared out of nowhere for every one that I wove in.  But at last it is all done.  Now I can start my next project, an entrelac pillow, with a clear conscienc

Taxes - Blech!

1 April 2005, Friday 10:04 P GMT-08
I used TurboTax to figure out and e-file John's taxes for him.  He's getting a Federal refund but owes more than this refund in state taxes - grrrr!  We find this particularly annoying because we are used to having no state income taxes in Florida.