Knitting with Laura


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Latest tagged entries for 'KNITTING'

Cambridge Jacket

16 March 2008, Sunday 12:50 A GMT-08
Almost a year ago, I knit up this sweater for my guy, but only recently did I finally manage to take a picture of him in it.

Entrelac Cast-on

14 March 2008, Friday 10:58 P GMT-08
When I starting making the first of several Garterlac Dishcloths, I came up with a method of casting on which works really well for entrelac. It's a crochet cast-on worked directly onto the knitting needle with an extra chain between each stitch.

Adjusting for Row Gauge

11 March 2008, Tuesday 4:14 P GMT-08
As I was knitting the body of the Cambridge Jacket, I noticed that although my stitch gauge matched the pattern, my row gauge was larger. After a little calculating, I realized that my sleeves would end up too long if I didn't make adjustments.

Pretty Edges

7 March 2008, Friday 2:04 A GMT-08
Last year I started knitting a Ballband Dishcloth and quickly discovered that the edges come out a little funky. After much experimentation, I came up with a method to neaten them up.

Mod Coasters

29 February 2008, Friday 12:36 A GMT-08
Last summer I had been thinking of making some coasters when I happened to watch the episode of Knitty Gritty which featured the pattern for these.

Bookscarf Set

28 February 2008, Thursday 5:41 P GMT-08
Ever since I made my first bookscarf and wrote up the pattern for it, I have wanted to make more for myself. Early last year I finally got around to creating a complete set with colors from each of the four houses.

Swatching for Arisaig

19 February 2008, Tuesday 9:09 P GMT-08
Happy Birthday to my blog -- it's three years old today! The next project I'm about to cast on for is Arisaig by Ysolda Teague. I'll be making it with Alpaca Ware's Superfine Alpaca Yarn which was given to me for Christmas back in 2005.

Curves Ahead

18 February 2008, Monday 8:18 P GMT-08
As the third anniversary of my blog approaches, I've decided to give this whole blogging thing another try. I'm currently working on Jenna Adorno's Curvalicious Cardigan from Big Girl Knits.

Body Block

1 May 2007, Tuesday 7:54 P GMT-08
The back and fronts of my Cambridge Jacket are complete, attached at the shoulders, and blocking. The only modification I've made so far is to shape the shoulders with short rows in order to work a three-needle bind-off at the shoulder seams.

Hats for Nick

29 March 2007, Thursday 10:02 P GMT-08
A little over a month ago, I knitted up a couple simple hats and mailed them off to my friend Nick.

Dishcloth Dabble

16 March 2007, Friday 9:50 A GMT-08
I'm currently playing around with the Mason-Dixon Knitting "Ballband Dishcloth". Since the stitch pattern produces some rather funky edges, I decided to see if I could neaten them up a bit.

New Sweater for My Guy

10 March 2007, Saturday 1:15 P GMT-08
No we don't worry about the curse around here. In fact, I've made my boyfriend a number of handknits, including two sweaters, without any dire results.

Drop-Stitch Hoodie

4 March 2007, Sunday 8:27 A GMT-08
I finished this sweater a few weeks ago and have been wearing it a lot -- even though it's a bit chilly yet for such a springy item. I'm glad I got past my aversion to sewing in all the zippers and finally just did it.

Exciting Harry Potter News

6 February 2007, Tuesday 11:59 P GMT-08
No, I'm not talking about the next Harry Potter movie premier or the final book release. The excitement actually begins a couple months earlier when Alison Hansel's _Charmed Knits: Projects for Fans of Harry Potter_ comes out in May.

Bookscarf News

4 January 2007, Thursday 11:59 P GMT-08
Bookscarves I made and gave away. Plans to make more for myself. New additions to my Bookscarf Gallery. And a link to a pattern for an alternate method of making a bookscarf.

More Summer Socks

2 January 2007, Tuesday 11:59 P GMT-08
Another pair of summery socks just in time for the middle of winter.

Jayne Birthday Hat

13 October 2006, Friday 11:59 P GMT-08
On Tuesday a few of us got together to celebrate my friend Nick's birthday. I gave him his Jayne hat, and he loves it. He put it on and kept it on for most of the evening.

Jayne Hat Progress

5 October 2006, Thursday 11:59 P GMT-08
Report on the Jayne Hat I'm making for my friend Nick, and a step-by-step rundown of how to use one set of interchangeable needles for the two-circular method of knitting in the round.

Looking Forward

4 January 2006, Wednesday 4:12 A GMT-08
Yesterday I looked at my current works, the day before I looked at past works, and today I look toward the future.

I Want My Interweave Knits!

24 February 2005, Thursday 5:25 A GMT-08
Where, oh where, is my copy of the Spring 2005 Interweave Knits?  I just signed up for a subscription last month and am expecting my first issue.

Sewing Has Commenced

24 February 2005, Thursday 5:13 A GMT-08
Woo hoo! The worst is over now.  I have sewn the sleeve caps into the armholes of Nick's sweater.  Now I just have to sew up the sleeves and the sides.

Entrelac Pillow

23 February 2005, Wednesday 4:50 A GMT-08
I have been very intrigued by entrelac knitting ever since I first came across it.  I love how it looks like woven strips of knitting.  Therefore, I have decided that I simply must have an entrelac pillow or two.

Rogue Dreams

22 February 2005, Tuesday 4:21 A GMT-08
I have been looking longingly at the Rogue sweater pattern for some time now.  It is definitely on my to-do list, but I'm not sure when it will happen.  First, I actually need to buy the pattern.  Also, I need to figure out what yarn I will use.

I'd Rather Be Knitting Than Sewing

21 February 2005, Monday 1:07 P GMT-08
For at least the past couple weeks, I have been procrastinating on sewing up an otherwise complete sweater for my friend Nick.

Boundless Blue Blanket

20 February 2005, Sunday 12:26 P GMT-08
Here is the cautionary tale of a blanket named Boundless Blue.